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(A/N:Hey guys:)This book is ending soon:(But there is going to be a sequel:)

*2 days Later

Kay's POV:

It's been 2 days since Hayes left,and tbh I haven't even left my room.The only time I got out of bed was to go to the bathroom that connects mine and Cams room.I just cry and sleep.Wow I sound to depressed.

But hey what can I say.My boyfriend left because of his mom and the stupid Fight in Chicago that caused us to crash ,and for me to almost lose my life.

Since I Haven't left my room Cam always brings me food.Speaking of Cam there was a knock at the door.

"Kay we are going to TacoBell do you want to come"Cam asked.

I shook my head.

"Come on Kay you have to get out of the House at some point"he said.

I shook my head again.

"I just want to lay in bed and Listen to sad music all day"I said still crying.

Cam sighed then left closing the door.I guess all the guys were outside my door cause I can here them talking.

"Well is she coming"Nash asked.

"No,she just wants to lay in bed and listen to sad music."cam answered.

"God,it's not like Hayes died"Jacob said.

"No but she really misses him,how would you feel if Mahogany moved back to her home state.You would feel
The same way she does"Jack G told him.

"Ya your right "Jacob sighed."Come on guys lets just go and we will bring her back something"Jack J said.And with that they left.

The boys try to get me out of bed but I don't budge.

Right now I'm laying in bed watching videos of Hayes and I,While I wear my spandex and Hayes's sweatshirt.

I think it still smells like him.

So Far Hayes has only called me once and that was yesterday.

*yesterdays phone call*

"Hey,are you okay"he asked.

"No not really"I said starting to tear up.

"Yeah Cam called and said you have been hibernating in your room since I left"He said.

"That about sums up the story"I sighed.

"Kay I'm sorr-"hayes started to say but I cut him off.

"Sorry for what Hayes?Its not like this was your decision,right?at least that's what you told me."I said.

"Yeah I guess"he said.

"I'm sorry I'm just kinda stressed"I said.

"Babe where are you?"I heard in the Back round.

"Uhh Kayleigh I have to go!I need to make Sky lunch"he said.

"Okayy,Love you bye"I said.

Hayes didn't reply and the phone line went dead.

*end of convo*

I want to know who that was in the back round.

Hayes wouldn't cheat on me....Would he?

Well we are still in a relationship.A long distance relationship but we are still together.

Ever since that phone call all I can hear in my head was "Babe where are you?".

Maybe it was his mom talking to Skylynns dad.Thats a possibility.I bet you it was.

Whatever I'm just going to drop it.I trust Hayes enough to not do something stupid.He wouldn't do something like this.

He always told me he wanted to protect me.He said he wouldn't hurt me and make a stupid decision.

I was thinking and crying about this so much that I think I cried myself to sleep because everything went black...


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