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Kaye's POV:

Hayes and I started walking back inside to go eat but Hayes stopped walking."What's wrong"I asked Hayes concerned."Um there has been something bothering me and I wanted to see if I could talk to you about it"Hayes says kinda nervous.

"Ya,you know you can talk to me about anything"I say looking him in the eyes."okay,so I have a crush on this girl"Hayes says looking at the ground."okay,what is she like?"I asked him.

"Well she has brown hair,big brown eyes,and a amazingly cute personality"Hayes says and smiles."I s this going where I think it's going"I say smirking at Hayes."Uhh maybe"Hayes says and smiles."Your have a crush on Aaliyah"I practically yell."WHAT NO"Hayes says looking at me funny.

"Then who do you have a crush on"I asked him."You Kay,I have a crush on you"Hayes blurts out.I looked down at the ground shocked."I'm sorry for blurting it out like that"Hayes apologizes."No,it's fine"I say smiling and looking at the ground.

"GOD,I just mad our friendship awkward!i knew I should of kept my mouth shut!Im such an idi..."Hayes was going off with rage.I kissed his lips before he could say idiot and pulled away."I have a crush on you too Hayes"I say giggling."Really"he asked me."ya I wouldn't lie to you"I say and smile.

"Kayleigh Lynn Dallas may I take you on a lunch date tomorrow"Hayes asked holding out his hand.I put my hand in his and say "Benjamin Hayes Grier,it would be an honor to go on a date with you."I say and smile.

I hug him and he lifts me.I laugh and look down at him and peck his lips.

Aaliyah POV:

"Guys come quick"I yell."what"they all say running to the kitchen window."OMG HAYES AND KAY ARE KISSING"Maddi says in shock.We see them pull away and look at the window,and we run upstairs because they noticed us.

We hear the back door open and we all grabbed out our phone like we were busy."Hey guys"Kay says smiling."oh hey"we all said back.

"C'mon guys cut the Crap,we all know you were spying on us"Hayes says and laughs."Ya we know"we all say."but we are all so happy for you two"I say and hug them."thanks"that say and they laugh a little.

"You owe me $20 bucks"we hear Cam mumble to Nash."What no I don't"Nash says back. We all looked at them.

"$20 bucks for what?"Kay asks."oh nothing"Nash says."Nash and I bet $20 bucks you two would become a couple this summer."Cam says looking at Kay."oh then well Nash you owe Cam $20 bucks"Hayes says and laughs."Ya Nash"Kay says and smiles.

"What know I don't I never doubted it"Nash fights back.We all laugh and then sit in the loft to watch a movie.


Sorry it's kind of short:(

I will update tomorrow I promise:)



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