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Kay's POV:

The only reason I told Cam "I can have some fun with this" is because of Hayes.After I got my memory back I remembered our first date.Tonight I will take Hayes to Santa Monica.My first date with Hayes was so magical I just wanted to feel that way again.Falling in love with Hayes I had the best feeling and I'm going to fall in love with him again tonight.

"Hayes"I yelled walking out of my room.

"Ya"he said coming out of his.

"Come on"I said grabbing his wrist.

"Where are we going"he said as we walked out the front door.

"Santa Monica"I said and smiled."and do you know which way to go.Because I don't remember"I say and laugh but I knew where it was.

Hayes and I started walking down the street the I put my hand in his.He looked down at our hand then looked up and smiled at me.

I put my head on his shoulder and said,"I love you babe".

"I love you too babe."he said and smiled.

Hayes eyes widened."Wait you just called me Babe?!?"Hayes said surprised."Ya I did"I say and smirk.

"You called me Babe"he repeated and cupped my face with his hands."Yes I did"I say laughing."Omg you got your memory back"He says and hugs me tightly."Ya I'm glad I did I almost forgot you forever and I wouldn't want that happening,You are my everything."I say hugging him back.

He cupped my face again and I put my hands on top of his.He kissed me then pulled away.I smiled and he just stared at me."I don't know how I would live if I didn't remember you."I said looking him in the eyes."Same"he said and smiled.I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers then continued to walk to Santa Monica.

*2hours after Santa Monica*

Hayes POV:

We got home around 9:30.Kayleigh and I walked inside when we saw everyone in the living room."Hey guys"I said waving.Kayleigh waved as well.

"So everyone I have got my memory back and I'm glad I did.All the great memory's I have had with all of you I wouldn't Be able to live without.I love you guys"she said and smiled.

"Aww we love you too"They all said and hugged her.Matt was still standing while Kayleigh hugged Shawn.I shot him a look and he sat back down."I'm going to go to the Bathroom and change in to sweats"I told Kay as she sat on the couch."ya me too"she said and smiled

When I came back from the bathroom Kayleigh was asleep on the couch in sweats and a sweater with a messy bun.

I looked at Maddi and asked ,"so do I bring her to her room or mine?".

"Just bring her to yours!she is just going to get up in the middle of the night and walk to your room and lay with you anyway"Maddi says and smiles.

I smile and pick up Kayleigh bridal style.I carried her up the stairs and laid her down.I laid down next to her and covered our selves with the blanket then dozed off.

Hey guys how is school going for you?


Hope you guys like it:)


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