Chapter 1

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Katniss' POV

Peeta gently holds our sweet daughter in his embrace. I on the other hand pack up stuff I have used in the last week and place it in to hospital bag.

"Who gets to go home today!?" Peeta exclaims and holds our daughter up in the air.

"You do! You do!" Peeta answers his own question and kisses Willow's cheek. I smile, 6 days in and he is already the loving father he was made to be.

I zip up the bag and leave it on the hospital bed before walking up to my husband and daughter.

"Come here." I say and Peeta places Willow into my arms. I give Willow a big kiss before resting her on my shoulder and letting her curl up to sleep.

Peeta and I share a short kiss before he heads into the bathroom.

For the last week, all that Willow has done is sleeping or being awake.

She wakes for 1/2 an hour after a couple of hours during the day but the number of times she wakes with a cry increases at night.

I quietly sigh, knowing my daughter is asleep again.

I hear the bathroom door open and close and speak. "How are we going to get past the cameras? They're going to be so loud and disrupt Willow's sleep." I ask Peeta and he walks and embraces me in a hug from behind.

"What about I bring the car up to the front entrance and come get you to place Willow in the car and go home." Peeta suggests and I nod.

"Okay. I'll be with Willow's car seat in the back." I inform Peeta and he nods.

Peeta walks over to a seat and picks up Willow's car seat. He places it on the bed.

"I'll call Adriana to guide us when we place her in." Peeta says and he exits the room.

I have a feeling we might have got Adriana fired from her job.

She came in a couple of days ago saying she can become our personal family and pregnancy doctor. Not giving us a reason why. When a nurse came to checkup on me, I asked and she said because she helped me give birth when a professional should have at the right time during the labour. ( A/N: made the reason up )

I feel sorry for Adriana and apologised because of it.

Adriana and Peeta come in a couple of minutes later.

"Okay. Let's get her in!" Adriana quietly exclaims as notices the sleeping baby on my shoulder.

I gently remove her from my shoulder and lie her in the seat. Adriana demonstrates and explains how to strap her up and Peeta and I understand.

"You've signed the papers Peeta so you guys can go. I'll be at your home in 20 minutes to help you." Adriana says and exits the room.

"Will they be able to tell?" I ask Peeta.

"If she keeps sleeping then no." Peeta answers. He hugs me and I kiss his cheek before Peeta holds onto the carrier.

I grab the hospital bag and we entwine hands. "Let's go."

We make our way out of the maternity ward and into the main reception. I stop Peeta and I and Peeta positions the carrier to face us, hopefully shielding Willow from the cameras.

We walk out and flashes and shouting hit our eyes and ears. I grasp onto Peeta's hand tighter and he guides me to our car.

Peeta opens the back car door and we both get the carrier in place before I walk to the other side of the car and climb in next to Willow.

I place the bag underneath Willow's seat and I buckle up.

As Peeta climbs in himself, I hold onto Willow's hand. Peeta quickly fastens his seatbelt and he drives us away from the hospital towards home.

Where a new life is about to begin.

A/N: If any of you guys are on Instagram and want pictures of outfits etc. that follow along the chapters from the series follow midnightsnow1_wp

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