Chapter 33

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Peeta's POV

Katniss falls forward into my arms from the steps. I gasp and catch her just in time.

"Kat? Katniss!?" I do the best the turn her over in my embrace and soon see she's paralyzed in pain. I look at the newly formed puddle on the steps and get the connection.

"Katniss. Stay with me honey." I demand as I pick her up and run upstairs. Katniss suddenly screams in agony and my eyes widen.

I burst into our room and get to the bed. I slowly lower her down and lie her on her side.

"You're going to be okay Kat." I reassure and she starts sobbing.

"He's coming isn't he?" Katniss chokes out and I nod. I stroke her arm as I kneel down beside her. Katniss grasps onto my other free hand.

I kiss her nose and she cries in pain again. She squeezes my hand and I place my nose against hers.

"It's okay Katniss." I comfort and repeat as the crying continues.

I lift my head and look over to the bedside table. The phone. I grab it and check the battery amount. Once I find it has enough, I place it by Katniss.

I kiss Katniss' forehead and stand up. I run over to my bedside drawer and grab my mobile phone and shove it into my pocket.

"W-what are you doing?" Katniss asks.

"I have to go tell the school Effie will pick Willow up and get Adriana. I won't be gone long. I'll be super quick." I walk back over to her and stroke her clenched fist.

"If you need me, you must call me. I'll answer. Always." I instruct and kiss her fist.

I reluctantly let go and walk out. I run downstairs and speed into the kitchen. I grab the car keys and slip on my shoes. I place on my jacket from the rack and head outside. I skips steps and sprint to the car. I get in and, once the engine is running, drive towards the school at full speed.

I'm scared Katniss is going to get hurt while I'm out.

In a matter of minutes I get there. I open the door and run to the reception, leaving my car door open.

"Can I see Willow Mellark immediately." I demand to the receptionist and try to catch my breath. The receptionist nods and gets onto the phone.

I pace around the entrance. I'm becoming a father again. I hear running and stop to turn my head.

"Daddy!" Willow exclaims and we embrace.

"Willow I have to make this quick. Mummy and I won't be picking you up after school, Auntie Effie is okay?"

"Why Daddy?" Willow curiously asks. I quickly glance at the receptionist and see her not paying attention to us.

"Mummy is having your baby brother." Willow gasps and I place my finger on her mouth before she could speak anymore.

"I have to be with Mummy. Now, you won't be able to see Mum until your baby brother is here okay? You will stay and behave with Auntie Effie. You understand?" Willow nods. "Good." I give her a kiss on both cheeks.

"Now, I will see you later. Soon you will be a big sister!" I comment and stand up.

"Bye Willow!" I farewell after she does and runs back to class. Once she's gone, I fast walk out of the building. My phone rings and I see it's Katniss.

I immediately answer it. "Kat?"

"It hurts so much Peeta!" Katniss screams through the phone.

"I know sweetie. I'm on my way home. Just remember, Willow is excited." I reply and get back into my car. I start the engine and, still talking to Katniss, drive back home.

"I'll see you soon." I tell her and the line goes dead. I accelerate and suddenly stop when I reach our house minutes later. I get out and close the door.

I run to Adriana's home and burst into the house.

I see Adriana and she turns to look at me in confusion. "Katniss." Is all I say before she drops the paper she's holding and we both run back out. I run faster and enter our house first.

When I enter the house, I am welcomed by screaming. "Katniss!" I shout and skip steps while heading up the stairs. I run into our bedroom and see my crying wife.

"Peeta." Katniss cries on the bed and extends her arms to me. I walk to her, bend down beside the bed and hug her.

"I'm here. I'm here. So is Adriana." I comfort and stroke her. Adriana enters the room shortly afterwards and immediately turns her attention to Katniss.

"Peeta, there's blood." Katniss exclaims.

"Don't worry about that. Focus on me." I suggest and stroke Katniss' head.

"Everything is going to be alright."

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