Chapter 39

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Peeta's POV

"Peek a boo!" I quietly exclaim to Rye, who's turning 1 in a couple of months.

Even though I am lying on my back on the floor with Rye on my chest, this is fun. I cover my eyes with my right hand and wait a couple of seconds.

"Peek a boo!" I exclaim again at remove my hand. I show Rye a surprised expression and my face must make Willow laugh.

I press my index finger to Rye's nose and slightly chubby cheeks. He tries to find and follow my finger but just looks around in a trance. Willow laughs again at how Rye is acting.

"Don't laugh Willow. We did this with you at Rye's age. You looked exactly like this." I state with a smirk and Willow's laughing stops.

I chuckle and stroke Rye's hands, supporting himself on my chest. I smile at my son, whom I have a special connection with.

After I while I touch his nose again. "Boop!" I exclaim and keep my finger on his nose. This confuses Rye slightly do I choose to stop.

I turn my head to look at Willow, the love I see in her eyes each day is showing. I turn my head back when I feel Rye shuffling about.

Rye lies on his tummy and is reaching his hand out towards my face. I watch him as he tries to touch my face but I move my head so my lips make contact. I blow raspberries into his hand and his hand jerks back.

Willow laughs again and rolls onto her back soon enough in a fit of laughter. I laugh, remembering when I did it with Willow just over 5 years ago. I carefully grab Rye's hand and kiss it.

"Mwah." I exclaim and place his hand back on my chest.
"Daddy is silly isn't he buddy?" I ask Rye knowing I won't get a response. I smile and I see Willow sit up, trying to stop her laughter.

Katniss appears in my vision and I try to make her not noticeable to Willow. I focus in Rye and try to see what he's looking at beside us.

In the corner of my eye I see Katniss creep up behind Willow and instantly start tickling her. Willow squeals and starts laughing again.

"The tickle monster has captured Willow!" Katniss explains and picks Willow up. She tickles Willow in her arms and laughs as well. I carefully sit up with Rye and decide to join in. I see Rye has fallen asleep and place him in his cot we have down here in the living room.

Once Rye is down, I walk over and start tickling Willow as well. We all continue laughing. "Stop! Stop!" Willow tries to demand to us but it's muffled by her laughter.

I get her into my embrace and have her rest over my shoulder.
"Daddy! Let me go!" She repeats and kicks me, still laughing.

"The tickle monster has to take Willow upstairs for her bath." I explain and start walking to our bathroom upstairs.

I see Katniss head over to a sleeping Rye and start walking up the stairs. Near the top of the stairs, Willow stops kicking me and laughing. I smile and hold her against my chest. I reach the hallway at the top of the stairs.

I stand her up on the wooden floor. "Go get your clothes and I will meet you in my room okay?" I ask and Willow nods before running off to her room.

I smile as I watch her and walk into my room.

Being In Love With You - Sequel of After The AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now