Chapter 54

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Peeta's POV

I sit next to my son in-law against the row of seat lined up against the white wall, gazing upon my wife and daughter.

I watch as Katniss sits beside Wilow's hospital bed, where Willow lies on her side, facing her mother. They exchange conversation but I zone it out, letting them have a private talk. I smile as Katniss' motherly side kicks in once again. I focus on her hands holding onto Willow's left and how she strokes her daughters hand with her thumb.

"Were you nervous?" Ryan asks beside me and I turn to look at him. "When Mum was in labour with Willow?" he adds.
We let both Lily and Ryan call us by Mum and Dad. It seemed weird at first but it grew on us eventually. Slowly but eventually.

"Yes, I'll have to admit. I was nervous." I answer and briefly raise my eybrows and turn back to look at Willow. "But I didn't just feel nervous. I felt worried, excited and nervous. I didn't know what Willow was going to turn out being and how I was going to raise her." I add to my answer.

"Well just letting you know that you did a pretty good job of raising her. She's amazing and I feel proud and privileged to call her my wife; I'm scared though. What if I don't turn out to be the father I thought I was going to be?"

"Ryan." I start and turn the seat to sit in front of his and he looks me in the eyes. "I've seen how you've looked after Willow. Cared for her and loved her. You are going to be an amazing father and your daughter will love you for who you are." As I finish, Ryan looks down to his entwined hands and keeps bobbing his right knee up and down.

"Ryan." Katniss demands and both our heads quickly tilt up towards her and Willow. We both see Willow's face scrunched up in pain and she lets out a wail. Ryan shoots up from his seat and runs to comfort Willow through another contraction.

Katniss looks back to me and we exchange small sad smiles. Katniss stands up and offers her seat to Ryan as Willow's contraction ends. He accepts and sits down. Katniss glances at Willow once before walking to me. She sits in the chair that Ryan was seated in and our fingers entwine. I stare at our fingers. "Our granddaughter is close." I state and slowly look up at Katniss.

"Yeah." Katniss replies with a smile.


I clutch my hand tighter on Katniss' arm and her head buries slightly deeper into my shoulder. We were informed just a short time ago that we are now grandparents. Katniss and I are too excited to comprehend and put into word. We want to see our daughter and her new family so badly.
We both hear to room door open and close. Our heads snap to the left, hoping we are faced with Ryan. But no. Another nurse. I sigh angrily and Katniss laughs.

"Someone's eager." She comments and I look at her.

"I can tell you are too missy. You're just not going to admit it." I retort and Katniss' laughing slowly lessens. Once the laughing dies, the door opens once again and we turn our heads once again. Preparing it to be another nurse. But it's Ryan. Ryan smiles widely at us. "Come meet your granddaughter." She say and Katniss and I stand up. We share a quick hug before walking side by side into the hospital room.

We are met with the lovely sight of our Willow holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. I hear Katniss gasp and my mouth slightly drops. Willow looks up at us and we stop in our tracks. "Hey." She says and we walk closer to the edge of the bed. Peering over, we mangage to see a head uncovered from all the blankets.

Even sleeping our granddaughter is beautiful. "She's beautiful sweetie." I state on behalf of us, as Katniss is now in tears.

"You want to hold her?" Willow asks, directed to me and I nod my head enthusiastically. I bend over and extend my arms. Slowly, Willow lies her daughter in my open arms.

I look at her details and tears of joy come to my eyes. "Kat look." I quietly say and Katniss' head lifts up. She sees our granddaughter and her hand reaches to touch the pale pink hat covering her small head.

"W- what's her name?" Katniss asks and we lift our heads. Ryan and Willow smile at us and Ryan replies to his mother in-law's question.

"Holly Rosa Daniels." I smile again as I look back down on Rosa. She is absolutely wonderful granddaughter yet she is only hours old and I've only just met her.

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