Chapter 19

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Katniss' POV

I scream and immediately sit up.
Sweat sticking to my back and forehead. I try to take deep breaths but it doesn't work.
The dark night isn't helping very much.

"It's okay Kat." I am reassured by my husband.

I feel and arm wrap around me and lie me back down.
I turn to Peeta and shake and start crying in his warm embrace.

"Sssshhh. It's okay." he quietly repeats to me. "Sssshhh."

I do the best I can to wrap my arms around his neck and clutch onto his plain shirt.

Peeta does his best to sit up, with me still attached to him. He holds me and pulls me onto his lap, taking the sheets with me.

"You want to talk about it?" Peeta calmingly asks me.

I shake my head as in no.
"Okay. That's fine." he replies and kisses my head. I end up telling him anyway.

"I lost y-you and W-Willow." I stutter and I create balls of his shirt to clutch onto. He doesn't seem to mind.

He places a hand on the back of my head and pushes it to the crook of his neck. His other hand slips under the back of my shirt and he strokes my skin ever so slowly.

"Well you haven't. We're right here and safe." Peeta comments and he kisses my cheek.

In the distant world, over my sobbing, I hear thumping coming from the hallway.
I know the source if the noise.

Our door creaks open from behind me.

Peeta and I lift our heads to reveal our 3 year old peeking into the room.
I can't bear to see her all sad over me so I turn my head and continue sobbing into Peeta's shirt.

The wooden floor makes the sound of my daughters bare feet echo around the room. The sounds get louder and louder.

"Dadwy?" Willow asks and I try to control the sobs.

"Yes Willow?" Peeta replies to our precious daughter.

"Is mumwy okay?" Willow asks Peeta again, I can imagine her concerned 3 year old face in front of my closed eyes.

"Mummy just had a bad dream Willow." Peeta say and I feel the bed sink at Peeta and my feet.

The sheets rustle and Peeta chuckles.
I stop my sobbing and look to Willow as she wraps her arms around my body.

"It's okay mumwy. Dadwy and I will make it go away." Willow tells me and I smile.

I lean down and kiss her head and I look up to be met with Peeta's lips. We share a passionate kiss.
"Thank you Willow. It's going away now." I tell her and Willow smiles.

I nestle back into Peeta's chest and rest my head, leaving it there.
I let the comfort of my beloved family calm me.

I stare out towards the full length mirror in the corner of the room.
I smile as I see a wonderful sight reflecting in it. I feel Peeta's head turn to look at the mirror and I see his smile.

I look down to Willow and see her asleep. I carefully grab her and place her in my embrace.
Peeta gets off the bed and holds his hands out. "I'll take her." Peeta suggests and I shake my head.

"It's okay I can." I reassure him and stand up from the bed. Peeta wraps his arm around my waist and we quietly and carefully exits the room towards Willow's.

Navigating through the darkness of the world.

Being In Love With You - Sequel of After The AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now