Chapter 43

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Katniss' POV

Willow squeals as I tackle her in the clear blue water on District 4's beach. We both as I tickle her and pick her up.

"Mummy! Mummy stop!" Will exclaims but barely as her laughter takes control.

"Never!" I reply and kiss her on the head. I lower her down and look over to Peeta and Rye on the shore.

I smile before Willow starts slashing me with water. I carefully start splashing her and it turns into a war. I laugh more as the splashing continues. The fun I treasure with my children. Minutes later, an idea comes into my head to get my husband involved.
"Argh!" I exclaim as I clutch my forearm and bend over. Willow immediately stops and her eyes widen.

"Daddy! Mummy hurt herself!" She screams and walks as quick as she can out of the sea to get Peeta. I keep myself bent over and clutching my forearm, holding it to my chest.

"Willow stay with Rye." Peeta demands and I can hear splashing, signalling he's close.

"Kat? Kat what happened?" He asks me and I feel his hand on my back. I don't reply though.
Seeing I don't reply, he comes in front of me and kisses my head.

"Let me see your arm." He suggests and reaches his hand towards my arm. I clutch my arm harder and move away so he can't touch it. "Katniss please. At least just take your left hand away if it hurts." He begs and I slowly give in.

I face him again and slowly remove my left hand and place it in the water. Peeta bends down to look at it. He carefully places my arm in his hands and examines it.

"Kat? I see noting wrong -" I bring my left arm up and splash him with sea water. I chuckle and kiss his nose as his eyes remain close. A realisation kicking in. I hold my nose and hold my breath before getting under the water. I notice the shells on the sand floor as I wait for Peeta.

Soon his hands enter from above water and grasps onto me. He lifts me out of the water. I scream as I hit air again and he holds me bridal style.

"Peeta!" I exclaim as he walks out of the water.

"Rye and I are going inside!" Willow alerts us as they head back towards Annie and Fin's house.

"Okay." Peeta says back as we near our spot with blankets and towels.

When we reach the spot, Peeta looks around before dumping me on the blankets. I lie there, confused but then Peeta gets down and bends over me with a smirk on his face. His face lowers to mind and our lips collide. My share many kisses and I feel Peeta go onto his elbows. His hands find their way to my hair and tangles his fingers in my wet locks. My hands slide along his soaked body and I wrap my arms around his waist. His lips then go to my neck and he pecks my skin. He leans up and his fingers trace my bare stomach.

"Peeta." I sigh, enjoying it but then reality hits. "Peeta." I say seriously but he doesn't stop. "Peeta. Not now, later okay?" I say and he looks up and our eyes meet. He nods and sits up. I sit up along with him.

"That was payback." He states and I chuckle with a smile.

"I know."

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