Chapter 5

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Peeta's POV

I look up when I hear out home phone ring.

"I'll get it." I alert Katniss and slip Willow into her arms.

"Okay." Katniss nods and I stand up.

I walk over to the phone and quickly take a deep breath before grasping the phone.
I pull it from its spot and place it against my ear.

"Hello, Peeta Mellark speaking?" I say.

"Peeta! It's me Caesar. How are you?" Caesar exclaims.

"I'm good Caesar. What about you?" I ask in reply.

"Very good, very good."

"That's good to know." I add.

"Well, I'll get to the point of this call." Caesar starts.

"Go ahead." I suggest and Caesar continues.

"You've been a parent for 3 weeks now, am I right?"

"Yes." I simply reply.

"Yes and we still don't know much about the Mellark child."

"Yes, I'm fully aware of that." I say and Caesar immediately begins talking again.

"Are we able to have an interview with you sometime soon?"

I pause and think. Should we?
"Would you excuse me for a moment." I say and lower the phone, placing my palm over the speaker.
"Kat." I say, to get Katniss' attention.

"Yeah?" she replies.

"Could you come here a moment?" I ask and hear Katniss come with Willow.
"Caesar wants to do an interview, to introduce..." I say nodding towards Willow, missing her name out just in case Caesar can here.
"Do you want to go ahead?" I add and Katniss nods.

"We have to do it sometime soon." She says and I nod.
I uncover my hand and place the phone back to my ear.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Caesar. Yes we would love to do an interview with you soon." I answer.

"Fantastic! How about next week?" Caesar questions.

"Next week?" I ask Katniss and she nods.

"Yes. How about Tuesday next week?"

"Perfect!" Caesar practically says so loud that I have to move the phone away from my ear briefly.

"Would you do us a big favour and come to our home for a recorded interview? Katniss and I don't want to take the long trip with a newborn sadly."

"Of course I will. I haven't been to District 12 for years!" Caesar answers and I nod, signalling a yes to Katniss.

"So we will be seeing you in Tuesday?"

"Yes! See you then Peeta." Caesar farewells.

"Goodbye Caesar." I say before the line goes dead. I place the phone down and turn to Katniss and Willow.
"Next Tuesday." I say and Katniss nods with a small smile. I kiss her cheek before taking Willow back into my arms.

I smile and hug Katniss with one arm, to the best of my ability.

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