Chapter 31

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Katniss' POV

"Peeta. I can't go on further." I state as we enter the woods tree line. I look down at my big stomach, 8 months into the pregnancy, and place my hand underneath.

"Okay." He quietly replies and comes up to me.

"Willow!" Peeta shouts as he turns his head and Willow runs to us.

"Yeah Daddy?" Willow asks.

"We aren't going any further." Peeta answers and Willow whines.

"Why? I want to go to the lake." I frown at her complaining.

"Because your mother can't go any further." Peeta comments with a sigh. Here comes the complaining.

"Why can't Mummy stay here and we go Daddy?"

"Pumpkin, your mummy is very sore and is close to having your baby brother."

"I know but-"

"Willow, I know you want to go but I'm not leaving either of you two alone. So we can't go today and that's final." Peeta exclaims. I can hear the anger rising in his voice. Willow starts crying and runs off to a spot somewhere in the meadow.

"Willow." I shout but she doesn't return. I look into Peeta's eyes.

"Peeta that was harsh." I comment and he tears his eyes away from me. I sigh and place my hands on his shoulders. "I'm going to give you some breathing space okay?" He nods and remains silent. "Alright. I'll be with Willow." I add and detach my hands from Peeta's shoulders. I walk away from the tree line and head in the direction Willow ran in.

I snap my head to face behind me when I hear a loud thud. My eyes meet Peeta who just plopped himself on the forest floor. I sadly smile and turn back.

"Willow?" I ask calmly as I spot her a couples of metres away. She just continues to cry.

I reach the spot she is at and see her sitting on a chopped log piece. I place my hand on the log and slowly lower to sit on it.

I silently whimper in pain as I get a shooting sensation up my back. Once I sit down I take a deep breath and face Willow.

"Willow. Come for a hug sweetie." Willow turns from where she's sitting and wraps her arms around my waist. I lean her head against my chest and stroke her short brown hair.

"It's okay. Daddy is just making sure I don't get too sore or hurt before the baby comes and that you don't go lost." I comfort and Willow nods. I kiss her head and comfort her for a few minutes until her crying stops.

She sits up again. "You okay now sweetie?" Willow nods and wipes her nose. I sadly smile. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" Willow nods again and sniffles.

"Okay." I answer and kids her cheek and slowly stand up. "I'm with daddy okay?"

"Okay." Willow answers and continues to look at the ground.

I smile before walking off towards Peeta.

Being In Love With You - Sequel of After The AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now