Chapter 22

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Katniss' POV

I can't believe that a small thing in moments is going to determine our future. The fact of the possible outcome slightly scares me but I do my best to try and hold it in.
I tap my foot anxiously on the wooden floor of our bedroom and play with my fingers as I sit beside Peeta, waiting for our fate to arise to our senses.

"It's going to be okay. I'll still love and care for you whatever it reads." Peeta comments and wraps his arm around my back.

I'm so glad Adriana is babysitting Willow for this hour. It would be a slight pain and even more terrifying than it already is if she was here.
I lean my head against Peeta's right shoulder and Peeta leans his on my head as we continue to wait.

Every second ticks by, another second of my life gone. These seconds are being spent, waiting for the test to determine our future as a family.
I never noticed that I started shaking till now. Peeta notices and strokes my back.

"It'll be okay." He repeats and I nod, understanding.

Why do I seem more anxious now then I was when I discovered I was expecting Willow? I probably won't ever find out the answer to my own question.
I place my hand over Peeta's free left hand as we continue waiting. How long does it take?

Soon enough my ears register a beep.
My heads shoots up and I shriek. I start hyperventilating. Oh no! Oh no!

"Kat. Katniss." Peea says and cups my face in his hands. He moves his hands so I am forced to look at him.
Still slightly hyperventilating, Peeta reassures me.

"It's going to be alright Kat. Okay honey?" I nod and try to bring my breathing back to normalcy.

"H-how do I know?" I ask Peeta. I've never done this test before.

"It's going to say positive or negative okay? That's all." I nod my head again but also gulp.
"Take a deep breath with me." Peeta suggests and we take a deep breath together.

I slowly then stand up. I stand there for a few seconds and turn to look at Peeta.
He gestures with his head towards the bathroom door with a reassuring smile on his face.
I force my feet to move in front of each other and I progress to the bathroom.
I reach the door frame a minute later, I press my hand against the wall and take another deep breath before entering.

I walk to the sink where the test sits. I slowly get my grasp onto it and raise my hand.
I open my palm and scan the stick to find the words Peeta told me to find.

My eyes hit them instantly. I stare at the words for a minute before sighing.
I walk out to Peeta with the test in my hand.
When he sees me he stands up from the bed, eager to know the answer.
I walk to him and place the test in his hands. I immediately slam into his chest and wrap my arms around him.

I let the tears fall, staining Peeta's shirt.
I takes a while for Peeta to respond.

"Katniss." He starts and I look up at him.

I see a smile on his face and a smile creeps up on mine.

"We're having a baby!" Peeta exclaims and cups my face and kisses me.
It's short, sweet and passionate. I laugh and let the tears of joy flow.

"We're having another baby Peeta." I repeat and kiss him again. Tears flow down Peeta's face as he hugs me again.

Peeta picks me up and spins me around the room, dropping the test and letting it fall to the floor.
I laugh and Peeta lowers me.
I don't know how many times we kiss after that but the news seem so surreal and unfamiliar to our ears once again.

I'm pregnant.

A/N: You're probably thinking that I lied to you. Let me give you a brief explanation.
The last 2 chapters she wasn't pregnant. From the last chapter I have skipped to a couple of months later, closer to Willow's birthday. So she isn't a long way along.
Hope you have a better understanding. Ask me if you're not.

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