Chapter 3

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Katniss' POV

I slowly wake up to the live world.
Morning streaming through the windows opposite me and the curtains blowing gracefully as the open window lets in air.

I look down at my stomach thinking my daughter is in there.
I see a bump but it now doesn't contain my child. Willow Mellark is alive and only a few doors away.

I watch my husband for a few minutes, sleeping peacefully, before glancing at the clock sitting on Peeta's bedside table.

8:14am. I decide to get up and see how my daughter is.
I slowly slip out of Peeta's arms. Hoping I don't disturb is sleep I want him to have.
He's a moderately heavy sleeper so it shouldn't affect him.

I stand up and stretch my sore muscles before opening the bedroom door and walking to the nursery.
Once I reach the oak brown door, I place my hand onto the wood. I slowly push it open, wishing Willow won't wake up if she's asleep.

I push it further open and my eyes meet Adriana holding Willow.

"Hello Katniss." Adriana greets me with a smile as she realises its me.

"Hey." I murmur, I wanted Peeta's or my face to be the first Willow saw this morning.

"She woke up hungry so I fed her for you." Adriana states and I grab Willow from Adriana and place my week old daughter in my embrace.

"Thank you." I say quietly and just leave my eyes on my daughters blue eyes, taken from my husband.

"I'll be in my room then." Adriana says and leaves the room.

Adriana is staying with us for a couple of months before she is moving into a house, a couple down from us in the village.

I sigh and bring Willow closer to me so I can kiss her.
I give a gentle peck on her bare forehead and walk towards the small window.

I move the curtains with my hands to look outside. I see the Victors Village gate in the near distance. Closed and closed it shall remain.
Having the gate closed is the closest we can get to privacy in our lives. I'm glad this house isn't any closer than it is now to the gate.

I see a crowd of people and cameras there and gasp.
I quickly place the curtain back and turn to place my back on the cream coloured wall.
My mouth hangs open and tears build up in my eyes.

I cover my eyes with my hand and let tears fall silently, I'm annoyed my daughter has to see this.
This is not fair! Why can't they leave us alone!

"Kat." I hear from a familiar voice and feel a rough hand stroke my arm. Peeta.

"I'll take her." Peeta suggests and takes Willow out of my grasp.

I place my other, now free, hand over my other one and soon feel Peeta again.
He pulls me into his embrace and I quietly sob into his chest.

"Th- the cameras." I start to say but Peeta stops me.

He shushes me and strokes me hair. "They'll go. It's okay." He reassures me and Peeta's comfort becomes the only thing that stops the sobs and tears.

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