Chapter 15

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Katniss' POV

"Peeta. Peeta please." I plead as I grasp onto Peeta's wrists.

He hasn't been like this for a while. I'm freaking out inside.
His eyes are fully black and dilating.

"YOU MUTT! GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screams at my face.

"Peeta it's not real. You have a daughter. I'm your wife. It's not real Peeta. I love you." I reassure but he doesn't go with it.
Peeta kicks my leg and I whimper in pain.

"Johanna! Johanna!" I exclaim. I hear loud and fast footsteps coming from upstairs.
"Peeta. Please come back to me." I ask.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CAPITOL CREATION!" He shouts and I hear running.

Soon I see Johanna with her hands grasping Peeta's shoulders.
I let go of Peeta's wrists as Johanna drives him into the kitchen wall. She angrily places her knee against his stomach and quickly grabs his wrists. She forces Peeta to raise his hands above his head and keeps them there.

"Peeta. Come on, where are you?" She says through clenched teeth.

I run to the home phone. I pick it up and dial Adriana's number.
"Hello?" Adriana says.

"Adriana come immediately. Willow needs to be guarded." I say quickly.

"Why?" She asks confused.

"No questions. Run here!" I say and hang up.

I go back to Peeta and Johanna in the kitchen. This is his first attack since Willow was born. He hasn't had one for a while now.

I stand next to Johanna who is trying to talk him out of it. I place my hand against Peeta's left cheek and force him to turn his head to look at me.

"Peeta. I love you so much. Come back to us. It's not real." I say and turn my head as I hear the front door open and close.

Adriana comes into the kitchen doorway.
"Where is she?" She asks.

"Her room." I quickly reply and face Peeta again and Adriana's footsteps become distant.

I look at Johanna and she does to me. I glance at the nearest chair and back at Johanna.

"Take him to the chair. Force him to clutch the chair back and I'll sit and reassure him." I instruct Johanna and she nods.

I move to the seat and sit down, facing the seat back. Johanna manages to bring Peeta to the chair and his hands instantly grab the chair.

Johanna takes a few steps away from us and let's me do the rest of the work.
Peeta scrunches his eyes tight and bends his head down.

"Peeta. Fight it Peeta." I slowly say and stroke his fingers, knuckles turning white.
He starts screaming and I let a few silent tears fall.

"Come on sweetie. I love you." I cheer and Peeta kneels down, still wailing and grasping the chair.
Soon the screaming stops and his grip lessens to the chair.

I quickly sigh but gasp as Peeta's hands slips from the chair and he falls onto his back on the kitchen floor.

I quickly get up from the chair and kneel beside him.
I place my hands on either side of his cheeks and look at his chest. Rising and lowering deeply.

Peeta keeps his eyes closed and I kiss his forehead.
"That was one of the best I have to admit sweetie. You're getting close to no violence." I admit and stroke his cheek with my thumb.

I look up and Johanna and motion with my head to the stairs. I mouth Willow to her and she nods, heading upstairs.

Peeta, eyes still closed, reach his hand up to my right forearm and strokes it. I sadly smile and keep him company till he fully recovers.

Being In Love With You - Sequel of After The AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now