Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV

I haven't felt this sensation for a while.
The one where you are right beside the one you love, nothing stopping you.

Peeta and I gaze out from the bedroom window towards the horizon.
An orange sunset showing itself off.
The sun half hidden behind the District 12 hills.

I stand by my husband, my arms wrapped around his neck while his are wrapped around my waist.

"I love you." I state, looking into Peeta's eyes.

"I love you too." He tells me and we share a quick kiss.

I cherish the moment. One of the few moments I've had with him since Willow came into our lives.

We show smiles and look into each others orbs before Peeta breaks the silence.

"I've been working on something. I want to show it too you."

I nod. "Okay." I reply and Peeta takes my hand.

He leads me downstairs and into his art room. We enter and he leads me to his big drawing desk.
I stand waiting for him to show me what he wants me to look at.

I don't come in here often. This is Peeta's personal place.

"That." He says and I follow his finger to where he points.
Once I see it, I grasp Peeta's hand.

"Oh Peeta." I gasp. Peeta always has amazing artwork but this has become one of the favourites.
Peeta has sketched a moment that happened just over 2 months ago.

The moment I met Willow.Lp

Tears start streaming down my face and I cover my mouth with my free hand.

Then I remember, all the pain suddenly going. My hand resting on her small back. Tears streaming down my face at the sight of her.

"You like this one?" Peeta asks me. I nod almost straight away.

"Once it's done, I'll put it in a frame and I'll find a spot on the bedroom wall for it." He suggests and I nod again.

I turn into him and hug him tight.

I love it.

Peeta wraps his arms around me and he kisses my head.

"I'm doing it especially for you." Peeta says and I nod. I smile into his shirt.

Oh the things that Peeta can do.
The things that I love.

This is one that I love.

Being In Love With You - Sequel of After The AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now