Chapter 11

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Katniss' POV

| A/N: I'm running out of ideas!! If you have any you would like to have on this story please Private Message me then!! Thanks |

I suddenly hear the shilling noise of the home phone.
I groan as I stand up from the couch with Willow in my arms and head to the phone, knowing Peeta's not here to answer it.

I adjust Willow before picking up the phone and resting it against my left ear.
"Hello? Mellark Residency." I say.

"Well hello brainless." The caller greets me and I recognise the nickname.

"Johanna! What a surprise." I exclaim.

"Yeah, yeah. A big surprise that I even bothered to call you." Johanna answers and I laugh. Not to loud to hurt Willow's dainty ears.
"Okay. I have to make this short because I'm busy." Johanna adds.

"Throw it at me." I say and Johanna continues.

"I've decided to move into 12." She announces and my mouth drops.

"That's awesome Johanna! You'll be able to meet Willow." I comment.

"Or see her quite often if I get a Victors Village home." Johanna adds and I smile.
"I just need to ask one thing." Johanna alerts me.

"Could I stay with you guys for a couple of weeks when I get there? I regret asking as I'll probably hear you and Peeta from your bedroom at night." I gasp at Johanna's comment.

"Johanna!" I exclaim. I feel my hair being tugged on at I turn my head slightly to see Willow with a bundle of hair in my mouth.
I chuckle and turn my attention back to Johanna.

"Yes, of course do stay with us. If you don't mind helping me out with Willow."

"Thanks Katniss." Johanna thanks."Well I have to go. I'll call you later for more details."

"Okay, nice speak to you Johanna." I farewell.

"Bye brainless." Johanna farewells and the line goes dead.
I place the phone down and immediately as I place it down, the door opens.

Peeta steps in and sees me with Willow.
"Willow, please take my hair out of your mouth." I ask and slowly remove my hair, now covered in saliva, from her mouth.

I feel Peeta kiss my head.

"Guess who's moving here." I say to Peeta.

"Who?" He asks confused.

"Johanna." I answer and his eyebrows rise.

"Really?" He asks and I nod.

He sticks out his tongue playfully at Willow and Willow giggles.
Peeta takes Willow from my grasp and kisses Willow's head. Peeta rests her on shoulder.
"How surprising." He answer and I nod again.

I give him a peck on his lips.
"Now, if you will excuse me, I've got some hair to clean." I comment and Peeta chuckles.

I smile before heading upstairs to our bedroom.

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