Chapter 42

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Peeta's POV

"Now you're going to hold my hand and not run off when we get off the train okay Willow?" I instruct Willow and she accepts the instructions. I run my hand down her wavy brown hair, resembling Katniss, and smile.

I look up from my seat in the train car and see Katniss coming in with Rye. I smile wider and reach my arms out to hold Rye. Katniss places him in my arms and I kiss his forehead.

"Had a nice nap buddy?" I ask and he nods. "That is good." I add and rest his still sleepy body against my chest.

Katniss sits on a seat in front of me and we exchange smiles. I look down at my 3 year old. I watch as his eyes decide to droop and close. Rye fights to keep them open.
"It's okay little man. You can sleep for 10 minutes if you want to." I suggest to Rye and as soon as he hears it, he's out like a light. I wrap my right arm around his body before engaging in a conversation with my wife.

"You excited to see them?"

"Yes! The last time we saw him was when he was 4. He's 13 now!" Katniss answers and I raise my eyebrows in disbelief.

"13?" I clarify and Katniss nods. Wow.

We remain silent for quite a while. Willow admires the moving world beyond the glass.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are to arrive in District 4 in 8 minutes. Thank you." The intercom bursts out saying and Katniss stands up.

"I'll get our things." She comments.

"Are you sure Kat?" I ask, grabbing her hand.

"Yes. I'll be back in a minute." She replies and slips her hand away from my grasp. I sigh when I hear the train door open and close. I look behind me to see Willow went with Katniss.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are to arrive in District 4 in 5 minutes. Thank you and we hoped you enjoyed this train ride." I hear the door open and I stand up, Rye still in my grasp. I turn around and see Katniss come up to me with our suitcase and Rye's backpack.

"I'll take his backpack." I suggest and take it from her hands. I carefully swing it over my shoulder.

"Come Willow." I say and gesture my hand towards me. Willow walks up to me and grabs hold of my left had in her right. I look towards the window and the train is slowing down, District 4 in view. We stay in the train car and when we come to a stop, we exit.

We walk out, making sure Willow is okay and wander towards the exit. "Katniss! Peeta!" A woman exclaims and our heads snap to the left. We are welcomed by Annie and Fin in our sights.

We smile and walk over to them. We reach them and exchange greetings.

"Willow this is Auntie Annie and Fin. They visited when you were very little so you won't remember who they are." I introduce and they shake hands with smile.

"You probably heard about Rye. He's asleep as you can see so we can introduce him later." I add and smile.

"Well lets go! We have heaps to catch up on!" Annie exclaims and we follow her and Fin out of the train station and into the area called District 4.


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