Chapter 23

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Katniss' POV

I brush over my scars, from the many years ago.

I stare at my nearly naked body, seeing the thin figure that's hidden by the weight my first pregnancy left and the slight weight I've now gained due to the growing child inside me.

I look at myself as a broken rebellion leader. The reason for many deaths all those years ago.

I sigh as I look at and touch other scarred areas marking my body.

I turn my head behind me when I hear footsteps, hoping its not Willow.

In the corner of my eyes I see it's Peeta. My, also broken, husband.

I turn my head back to the full length mirror and frown. I look down at the bottom of the mirror.

I wait patiently for the loud footsteps of my husbands shoes to stop.

Once the footsteps have fallen silent, I feel his breathing on my neck.

I feel Peeta's arms snake around my waist and his hands join up on my stomach.

I tilt my head up and watch Peeta rests his chin on my shoulder.

He gives me a small smile and then kisses my shoulder.

A slight smile grows on my face as he strokes my tightening skin on my stomach with his left thumb.

We stay silent for a while, just looking at my body. This shape won't last long, since a baby has its temporary home in there.

I frown again when I see the concern on Peeta's face. I look at both of us, such fragile broken things.

How does Peeta love me? How can he?

"I love your scars." Peeta comments and I look at his face in the reflection, confused.

"You want to know why?" he asks and I nod.

"Well for starters they make you look beautiful." he starts and I shake my head. Peeta doesn't pay attention to my head shake and continues.

"Point 2. I love being able to kiss them -" Peeta leans his head up and kisses the closest neck scar he could get to, "- and be able to take away the pain. Knowing so when I see you smile." I smile at the comment and so does Peeta. I chuckle quietly before he carries on.

"3rd and the most important reason. They make me realise how much of a privilege it is to be called your husband." I turn to face his chest, still in his arms.

I give Peeta a passionate kiss before taking off his shirt so I can see his scars.

I dump his shirt onto the ground beside us and look at his chest.

I gently touch a scar on his chest, near my head, before wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

Peeta's embrace becomes tighter and he turns onto his side so I can see both of us in the reflection.

I smile when I see us in the reflection and bury my head deeper into his chest. Peeta kisses my head and rests his cheek on the top of my head.

I close my eyes and smile, concealing the memory into my brain so it can stay there.

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