Chapter 50

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Peeta's POV

Katniss and I wait for him. We wait as he comes to us in his suit when the ceremony ends.
We did this 5 years ago. I dread having to experience it again. I'm happy for my son but it's such a shame his time to move on has started.

I try to contain it. Even though Katniss has let the tears flow.

Rye comes to join us from the stage and Katniss immediately hugs him.
Rye just got his diploma and the same reaction we got from Willow's graduation is happening again.

"Hey. It's okay Mum." Rye tries to comfort Katniss. I see Katniss' arms tighten around her son, not wanting to let him go.

I go by both of them and rub Katniss' back. Katniss slowly releases her grip and steps away.

I wrap my arms around Rye and so does he. I close my eyes and take it in. Rye is moving on, like my engaged daughter has.

"You mother and I are so proud of you and Willow. Very proud." I state and I feel Rye nod.

"I'm glad we do after your past." Rye replies and I try to keep memories from entering.

"We were filled with hope when you two both became part of our family and we are very grateful that you did." I add and we separate.

"We will always be here for you." I smile and Rye nods. I see Katniss immediately hug Rye again.

"I love you so much Rye." Katniss says and kisses his cheek.

"I love you too. I'll always be around. It's not like I'm leaving for another District." I chuckle at Ryes last comment and Katniss smiles.

I decide to join the hug. The love spreading through the three of us. It doesn't take long until we all separate and he turns to friends of his.

Katniss wraps her arms around me and buries her head into my chest. I kiss her head and start rubbing her back again.

I lean my chin against her head and just stand there. Not probably the best place and time to do it but do we really care?


"Kat. What's wrong?" I ask her as I tilt her head up to see mine.

"They've both grown up now honey. They'll be doing their own thing and we why have them to come home to." Katniss says and bursts into tears.

"I know. I know. They are still going to be around though sweetie and we have each other." I retort and Katniss nods. I wipe her cheeks with my thumb and sadly smile.

"We'll be okay. They'll be too."

It feels like yesterday we were at the hospital with a one day old Rye but that was 16 years ago. We have been parents for 21 years and my oh my.....

What a journey that has been.

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