Chapter 6

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Katniss' POV

"You want to hold her?" Peeta ask me as we positions ourselves on our couch for our interview with Caesar.

I nod and Peeta slowly places Willow in my arms.

"Do you think she will be okay?" I ask Adriana.

She shrugs. Well that helps. "I'll be here if she needs attention." Adriana answers and I nod.

We dressed Willow in a pale yellow comfortable onesie. So at first, the gender is still unknown. Caesar still doesn't know.

I'm in a green blouse with ruffled sleeves and black jeans. Peeta is dressed in an plain dark grey shirt and denim jeans.

Caesar walks in a few minutes later, wearing a yellow suit.

"Let me have a quick peek." Caesar pleads and I give him a glimpse of a sleeping Willow.

Caesar smiles before taking his seat in front of us.

I look to Peeta and he rests his hand on my calf. I give him a small smile which he returns.

"We are live in 3..2...1." A cameraman say and Caesar begins talking.

"I'm Caesar Flickerman and today I'm privileged to be joined by Katniss and Peeta Mellark who will be introducing their child." Caesar exclaims and faces us.

"How are you two?"

"We are both very good thank you." Peeta replies and we share a smile.

"That's good. So.. What's the gender of this little one here?"

"A girl." I answer as I gaze at my sleeping daughter.

"A girl! Congratulations." Caesar congratulates and Peeta thanks him.

I look up from admiring Willow and face Caesar.

"What's your daughters name?"

"Willow Mellark." Peeta replies and kisses my cheek. Peeta and I agreed that her middle name will stay unknown to the public.

"What a lovely name. Willow, like the tree?"

"Yes." I reply with a smile.

I soon feel movement in my arms and look down at Willow.

She's awake and fidgeting. I turn to Peeta and give him a worried glance.

Peeta knows what I mean and takes Willow from my arms and places her on his shoulder.

We act like nothing bad is happening. But Peeta and I know her well enough to know she could start crying any second.

As Peeta quietly calms Willow, Caesar asks me a question.

"So Katniss, how was your labour?"

Inside I'm shocked, why would he ask that. That's none of his business.

"I've never experienced anything like it. But I had Peeta there so I coped it better than I would have if I was by myself." I quickly answer and place my hand on Peeta's remaining left calf.

I look to my daughter and see her eyes are focused on me. "Hello." I murmur with a smile.

Time flies by and soon enough we are finished.

Willow started crying the minute before we finished so Willow was taken by Adriana.

"Thank you so much Katniss and Peeta. Hope to hear from you soon." Caesar ends and we nod.

Caesar walks out of the house along with the camera crew and camera.

Once the door is shut, I sigh in relief. That's out of the way.

Peeta and I head to Adriana and Willow a few rooms away and find Willow in a cute slumber lying in Adriana's arms.

Peeta places Willow carefully in his arm and we walk upstairs to place her in her cot.

Once Willow is lying in her cot in the nursery, Peeta and I hug.

Willow is go gorgeous and adorable.

We made her that way.

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