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The rest of the evening goes by uneventful as Atemu grandpa comes to pick him up and he hugs and kisses them goodnight much to the delight of Yugi's fangirl/boy parents. Yami and Yugi take a shower and Yugi is surprised Yami does nothing more than a few teasing touches.

As they get out Yugi looks at Yami. "Are you okay? You didn't try anything while we showered." Yugi asked with worry in his voice. Yami sighed as he cups Yugi's face. "It's just what that girl said earlier bothers me. You mean the world to me. And it make me angry for what she said"

Yugi frowns and leans to Yami's touch. "Yami it's the past. I'm okay and I'm here. You can't listen to everything she says. I did and I almost died." Yugi said. Tears hit the floor shocking Yugi as Yami cries silently as he hugs Yugi like he's afraid he will disappear. "Please don't ever leave me." He sobs as he clings to Yugi like a terrified child.

Yugi hugs Yami back and gently strokes his back. "I promise Yami. I promise I won't leave." Yugi said. Dark Yami joins the hug as Yugi feels pressure on his back and a light pressure on his hair are he feels Dark Yami tears too but just smiles as he also comforts the invisible force.

Yugi sighs and helps Yami relax. "Let's go to bed Yami." Yugi whispers. Both Yami's nod as they follow Yugi to bed and lay on either side of him. Yugi feels another warmth on his back and as he looks back he thought he saw a flash of a shadow before it disappears.

Yugi blinks confused before looking back at Yami and snuggling onto his chest. The three of them fall asleep in each other's arms.

Yami opened his eyes and was shocked to see he was at the school. "What the....." He realized Yugi and Dark Yami were no where as he turned and heard laughing as he watched in horror as he saw Anzu and her friends bullying Yuugi. "Leave him alone!" He tried to go to help Yuugi but he couldn't move as he watched helplessly as his little brother was beat and when they finally left Yuugi shakily got to his feet and looked at Yami. "Why weren't you there for me I needed you and you left me alone." "No Yuugi I didn't mean to I wanted to be there...."

Yuugi glares as his face because paler and sunken in. "You left me Yami... you left me to die...." Yami watched in horror as his little brother became Yugi. "Are you going to leave me the same way you left him? Are you going to let me die too?" Yami watched in horror at what Yugi went through until the end but no one was there to stop Yugi.

Rebecca walks up behind Yugi and smirks at Yami. "You can't help him. No one can." She said as Yugi screams in pain and blood went down his arms from his original cuts. Yami watched in horror as Yugi gave his a sad smile as the light left his eyes

"YUGI!" Yami screams as he thrashed in his sleep as Dark Yami and Yugi woke up. 'Oh no not the dream....but it's worst....' "Baby Boy we have to wake him up." He whispered in Yugi's ear.

Yugi looks up at Yami with worry and tried to shake his shoulder. "Yami... Yami wake up." Yugi said softly. Yami bolts up as he looks around in panic before he sees Yugi and throws himself into Yugi's arms as Kathleen and Ryan come in worried as they look at Yugi.

Yugi rubs Yami's back and looked at his parents and shakes his head. They slowly nod as they back out but Yugi knows they will ask him about it tomorrow. Yugi sighs and rubs Yami's back slowly.

Yami shakes as he looks at Yugi then grabs his arm and pushed the sleeves back. "Yami! What are you... oh..." Yugi said softly as he looks down at his scared arms.

Yami gulps and looks at Yugi his eyes full of pain. "You hurt yourself...." He barely whispered.

Yugi sighs and nods his head slowly. "I started it when I was thirteen. I heard from some people in my class it takes away the emotional pain with physical." Yugi said softly. Yami shakes his head as he lightly strokes the scars. "Do you do it anymore?" He demanded as he looks at Yugi.

Yugi shakes his head. "After I almost died last year I stopped. Mom was crying and dad looked so dull. Then Joey looked at me with sadness and shame not being able to help me. I couldn't do it again after that." Yugi said as he looked down at his scars.

Yami nods as he lightly kissed the scars. 'Those bullies will die dearly.'

Yugi looks down and opens his mouth. "Though I wanted to start again. When your brother died I felt it was my fault. That I couldn't help him. I was going to but Joey was there and stopped me. I didn't sleep or move for a week and Joey just... he just held me." Yugi whispered the last part.

Yami looked at Yugi as he cupped his face. "You aren't to blame it was my fault for not being there for him...." Yami said. Yugi smiles softly and shakes his head. "It's everyone's fault. No one tried hard enough and when they did they were just sent away by his parents." Yugi said.

Dark Yami glares. 'Good thing they died for their sins. Those bastards can rot in hell for what they did to poor Yuugi.' Yami looks down. "When my brother died.... a little bit of me died with him... I couldn't eat or sleep or do anything."

Yugi places his hand on Yami's cheek. "It's okay. I promise it's okay." Yugi said. Yami hugs Yugi as he gently kisses him as though he wouldn't see him again. In a desperate needy way. Yugi kisses Yami back softly and laid his forehead on his forehead. "I wish I could give you what you want Yami but I'm not ready." Yugi said softly.

Yami smiles and nods as he hugs Yugi close. "Just hold onto me and never let go. That's all I want from you right now."

Yugi hugs Yami tightly and laid Yami on his chest. "I'm here Yami and I promise I'm never leaving." Yami slowly calms down and falls asleep as he cuddles into Yugi's chest.

Dark Yami frowns as he watched before he realizes what he needed to do. He lightly strokes Yugi's face as he caused they to be a dark room with Yami in a deep sleep.

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