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With Yami, Yugi, and Atemu they were already at lunch. Yami seems bothering by how he hasn't heard from Ami all day. Yugi gave his bento to Atemu as he wasn't hungry and felt something bad was going to happen.

Yami gently took Yugi's hand and kisses it as he smiled a bit. Yugi blinks and looks up at Yami. "Did you say something Yami?" Yugi asks. Yami looks confused. "What do you mean Baby Panda? I didn't say anything."

Yugi shakes his head before going back to his thoughts. Yami stood up and scooped Yugi up with a "we'll be right back". He carried him to the bathroom. As he set him down he looked into Yugi's eyes as he began to feel something eating at him too.

Yugi looks confused up at Yami confused as he was carried. "Yami? What are you doing?" "Yugi...if I told you I did something bad... something really bad... would you still love me?"

Yugi looks confused. "Yami I would always love you. You, Ami, and Atemu." Yugi said. "What if it was something so bad it was illegal?"

Yugi looks even more confused. "Yami what have you done?" Yami bites his lip as he looks at Yugi. "Yugi I- Am sorry to drag you here I just um really wanted to kiss you. It's been so long and all these murders and such are just making things harder on everyone."

Yugi blinks and looks shocked before hugging Yami. "Oh Yami. I'm sorry you feel that way. You can kiss me whenever you want. You, Ami, and Atemu." Yugi said.

Ami forces Yami to kiss deeply Yugi. Yami's mind and thoughts become only Yugi. Yami's hands stroke Yugi's sides as Yami pushed Yugi into one of the stalls and locks it.

Yugi moans softly and wrapped his arms around Yami. Ami sighs in relief as they make out and Yami gives Yugi a hand job.

'That was way too fucking close for comfort. Unlike me Yami still has a pure heart. He feels guilt and regret....but when I take his dark soul wish that will change. He will be an immortal angel of darkness as he was always meant to be. He won't be able to go to heaven fully but Yuugi can visit him if Yuugi becomes a guardian angel like I was before I turned to the dark side.'

Yugi moans against Yami as he cummed onto his hand. Yami blinks in confusion as he looks down having only half been in control. However when he sees Yugi's pleasure filled face he simply smiles and kisses him lightly.

Ami frowns as he looks at Yami. 'I can't have him almost telling. As much as I hate to do this to my own brother have to put a silencing spell on him.' He lifted his hand as a tattoo that looked like Yami's neck choker appears. 'That should do the trick.'

Yami gently kisses Yugi's face and neck with light butterfly kisses. "Yugi I love you." "Mmm I love you too Yami." Yugi moans and smiles happily.

Ami smiles as he looks at his lovers. 'I may be taking away their soul wishes however at least I'll be able to give them the one wish that they desire they will never be separated.'

Yami looks up suddenly and sees Ami as he is transparent but doesn't notice as he's deep in thought. Yami motions to Yugi as the both see Ami.

Yugi looks up and smiles happily. "Ami! You're here!" Yugi said. Yami smiles happy to see Ami too neither realizing what they truly love is a true monster.

Ami smiles and gently holds Yugi close as he becomes solid and fully visible as he hugs Yami. "Where's Temmy? Can't believe he's missing the party...."

Yugi frowns and and looks up at Yami. A knock is heard as Atemu strolls in. "Honestly five minutes of jacking Yugi off without me? And Ami's here too. Are you guys holding out on me?" He asked with a pout.

Ami chuckles darkly. "Someone in a hurry to lose their virginity." Yami and Atemu and Yugi all blush red. "Um... let's wait for a little longer Ami. I'm only fifteen." Yugi whispers.

Ami nods as he smiled at Yugi. "Don't worry Yugi it will all go fine. And only when you three are ready." 'Ok so Atemu gets Yugi in his ass, Yugi gets Yami and I'll get my cute brothers. Yes he's my blood brother but he doesn't know that yet.'

Yugi smiles and hugs Ami happily and kisses his cheek. "You're very sweet Ami." Yugi said with a smile. Ami smiles but inside he laughs sadistically. 'Also Yami will get a nice little gift. Dark Yuugi misses his older brother so I won't keep them apart for too much longer. Guess secret brothers are a thing in this family.'

Yugi lays his head on Ami's chest as the bell for the final class rings. "Well we need to go to Art and Atemu has history." Yugi said.

Ami nods as he kisses them all. "I have to go out for a bit. I'll be back. Enjoy your art class." Yugi nods as they leave Ami alone in the stall. Ami smirks and heads to the drama theater to get ready.

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