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(Warning: lime)

Yami is shaking them gently as they open their eyes as a worried Yami stares at them. "Are you both all right I woke up and found you both passed out. I was terrified." Yami pulls them into tight hugs as he smiles and hugs them.

Yugi blinks and tries to remember what his dream was. "We're fine Yami. Must have been tired too." Atemu blinks and nods. "Wow I felt like I just walked back in time but I don't remember anything it was odd hazy."

Ami silently appears as Yami looks at him curiously as Ami shakes his head. Yami smiles as he yawns. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm still tired why don't we take a shower and head to bed?" Yami smiled before be he turned to Ami who was trying to look innocent.

'Ami what happened when I was out?' 'Nothing happened Yami they were both just tired from all the dancing we did.' 'Oh about that what the hell? You know I can't dance. Now they want me to dance again...' 'Oh don't worry I'll do all the dancing for you your more of a gamer and fighter than a dancer.' 'Anyway let's go to bed tonight Seth is taking out Mai.' 'Good I hate that blonde and how she always flashes those big ass boobs of hers.'

Yugi yawns and grabs his pajamas. Atemu blushed "Um...I don't have any pajamas....." As if by magic Kathleen appears with a spare part of pajamas and a toothbrush along with a package of fresh boxers. "Figured you boys might want these." She sets the bundle down waves and walks back to her room closing the door to get ready for bed.

'Damn Mother is quick.' 'Wait you're calling her mother now?' 'Well she's basically our mom now or mother-in-law to be whichever works.' 'I like that...Mom that's a nice name to be able to say especially when someone's worthy of it.'

Yami smirks as he leads to way to the shower. Atemu follows while looking at Yugi nervously. "What's wrong Atemu?" Yugi asks. Atemu blushes as he shivers. "Um I've never showered with anyone before..."

Yugi giggles and grabs Atemu's hand. "It's okay. It's not so bad." Yami and Ami smirks as they snap their fingers and the four of them are naked.

Yugi yelps and jumps from the sudden cold. Ami chuckles as he licked Yugi's neck as he stroked his cock. Yugi gasps and turns around to see a small form of Ami. Ami winks as he becomes invisible again. Yugi gulps as he still could feel Ami but couldn't see him. "Hey Baby Boy." He purrs as he continues as Yami teases Atemu who moans and pants.

"A...Ami..." Yugi moans and looks down and doesn't see a hand but could feel it. 'Just don't get carried away remember we can't let them know exactly who you are.' Yami warned.

'I'll try but remember I'm just as much of a pervert as you. I enjoy seeing Yugi get all hot and bothered for us.' 'Well after I finish with Atemu a little bit I want some Yugi time to then we can do them both at once.' 'Why can't we just fuck them already?' 'Yugi said he wasn't ready we have to let them decide whenever we do that.' 'Fine but remember I can only hold back so long I'm a horndog what can I say.' Ami sits down as he pulls Yugi onto his lap and smirks as he strokes Yugi while teasing his entrance before pushing two fingers inside.

Yugi yelps as he floated above the ground. "Ami.... mmm." Yugi moans and bites his lip. "Yes Baby Boy? Does my cute little boy like it when Daddy teases him?" Yugi moans and clenches around the fingers and bites his lip.

Yami licks Atemu's throat and down his chest until he reaches his stomach. Atemu shivers as he's very ticklish on his stomach. Yami smirks as he continues licking down. He pinches Atemu nipples causing Atemu to sink to the floor. He pants and grabs at the tiles as he throws his head back. Yami lifts Atemu hips and takes him in his mouth as Atemu gasped and moans.

Yugi moans as he watches. Ami smirks as he looks at Yami. "Can I please be visible Yami?" Atemu and Yugi's blink as they hear Ami's voice clearly. Yami nods as he continues sucking Atemu.

Ami smiles as he becomes visible and he licked Yugi's neck as he teased Yugi's nipples. "Much better. What you think Baby Boy?" He asked as slowly turned Yugi around and smiles.

Yugi gasps and looks up at Ami. "You look like Atemu and Yami mixed." Yugi giggles as Atemu rolled his eyes as he looks and blinks. "Wow he does looks like me...." Ami chuckles as his violet crimson eyes sparkle as he kissed Yugi as he smiles. Yugi moans and kisses Ami back.

Yami looks at Ami and grins as Ami giggles and nuzzles Yugi. He continues to lick Yugi's neck as he fingers Yugi's ass adding more fingers as he continues his sweet torture and Yugi moans and lays his head on Ami's shoulder.

"Does Baby Boy like it when Daddy teases him? Stretching your pretty hole to the limit?" He coos as he bites Yugi's collar bone. Yugi shivers and felt his end coming fast. "A... Ami I'm going... to cum." Ami smirks as he pulls back and Yugi whimpers. "Not so fast Baby Boy. Not till Yami has a turn." Yami pulls back before Atemu cums as he whimpers as he pouts. "Yami...."

Yugi pouts at Ami and tried to use his puppy eyes. Ami smirks and he shakes his head then he hands Yugi to Yami who smirks as licks Yugi's neck and stomach.

Yugi shivers against Yami's smirk as he was placed on the cold tiles. He moans lightly as he felt the licks on his stomach. "So Baby Panda what do you want us to do to you hm?"

"P-please let me c-cum." Yugi blushed and stuttered. Ami traps Atemu's hands above him as he licks his nipples as Atemu sighs in bliss.

Yami grins as he strokes Yugi's cock as he licks down before he smirks. He licks Yugi's entrance then pushed his tongue inside as his tongue strokes Yugi's insides.

Yugi screams and moans as he grips the tiles behind him. Yami smirks as he pulls back as flips Yugi over as he thrust his tongue back inside as he keeps Yugi pinned to the floor.

Yugi moans and screams from the pleasure. He could feel his end coming quicker. Ami strokes Atemu cock as he thrust two fingers in Atemu. Atemu moans and groans in pleasure.

Yami and Ami smirks as they feel their lovers end coming. "Cum Atemu! Cum Yugi!" Yugi screams as he cums onto Yami's hair. Atemu screams as he cums on Ami's and his stomach. Both Atemu and Yami pants as Yami and Ami smiles and kisses them before Ami disappears again.

Yami kisses both Atemu and Yugi as he helps them to their feet as the water cleans them. "Hm... showers are nice but we have to head to bed now." Yami smirks. Yugi pouts softly at Yami. "Fine but I'm taking a shower tomorrow... by myself." Yugi said.

Ami licks Yugi's neck. "You sure about that Baby Boy?" Yugi gasps before glaring behind him even though he couldn't see him. "Yes Ami. I'm sure." Ami sighed as he gently kissed Yugi's shoulder. "You're no fun something Baby Boy." Yugi giggles.

Atemu shakely holds onto Yami as he barely can stand still weak from pleasure. Yami pulled Yugi and Atemu out of the shower as he gently helped dry his lovers as Ami dried Yugi's hair while Yami dried Atemu's.

After they were dried and dresses went to Yugi's room and all four of them fall asleep happily in Yami and Ami arms. As Yami falls asleep Ami sighed. "Seth your turn." He whispered as he fell asleep.

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