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Ryan and Kathleen blink in shock as they saw everything. Kathleen recovers first as she goes to them and hugs them all. "Thank goodness you're all safe."

Ryan frowns as he looks at the destruction and thinks about all they found out. "We need to talk when we get home." He said firmly but with a small smile letting them know he's not mad just playing his police part.

Yugi relaxes slightly at his dad before looking at his lovers who had a few bruises on them and even some cuts on himself.

"I think that's a good idea."

Star, Seth, and Dylan use their magic to reform the building as it looks like nothing mass destruction happened as Dylan erases the guests memories of the darker parts of last night.

Dylan then looks at the two Yuugi's. "Alright you two lets go. Parker has midnight snacks." She said. Dark Yuugi and Yuugi nod as they hug Ami and Yami. "See you next time Dylan, visits Big brothers." Both little boys grab Dylan's hands as they leave.

Yami smiles and blinks back tears as he watched his little brother(s) finally happy. "He has a good life now Yami and he can come and visit anytime." Yami smiles as he nods and holds Yugi in his arms as he leans back against Ami who is now noticeable at least two feet taller than him and Atemu.

"Looks like you are still the shortest Baby Boy." Ami teases as he strokes Yugi's hair as Atemu joins the hug. Yugi pouts and crosses his arms. Yami Atem and Ami share a look of *so adorable* before there kiss and hug Yugi. "It's ok Baby Panda we like you short." He kisses Yugi's cheek tenderly.

Yugi blushes as people stare at them. "L-Lets go h-home." Yugi stuttered.
Kathleen nods as she goes to grab the car. Once the boys and Ryan are in the car Kathleen drives home. Ami and Yami are both tense as Ryan won't look at either of them but keeps his face forward his eyes unreadable.

Yugi frowns and places on his fake crown that he picked off the ground.
Kathleen is also oddly quiet as they drive home in silence. Atemu and Yugi share a look but soon the car pulls into the driveway and Ryan gets out and ushers the boys to go first.

Yugi and the others get out first and stand by the car. Yugi looked down at his feet hating being in trouble.

Once in the house Ryan sits them down and after a deep breath finally talks. "Tell me everything." Ami, Yugi, and Atemu look at loss for words. "Well Mr. Ryan ...you see." Yami began and told Ryan everything. Ryan's face when from confused to shocked to horrified to worried and then sad before his poker face came back.

"So you and Ami along with three unnamed individuals carried out the murders of 9+ individual for a ritual? And Ami is your brother which you parents murdered then he came back and killed them before you and your cousin came to live with your uncle?"

Ami speaks up. "Um the uncle story was actually a lie we don't have an uncle it's just me, Yami, and Seth." Ryan shakes his head. "Yami you know you and your brother could be faced with jail time because of this. Atemu too since he aided in helping." Ryan said softly almost like his words pained him to say them.

Yugi frowns at his father. "What.... What if we left?" Yugi whispers.     Ryan frowns a bit. "Left? As in leave Domino? Well we would still be wanted here but if we decided to not return then that could work but where would we go." Ami and Yami look at Ryan shocked.

"Wait so you're not turning us in?" Ryan frowns then smiles as he shakes his head. "You boys are like family to us you're not the only one that's with dark secrets in your closets. Besides if I took you both as well as Atemu to jail Yugi would be sad."

Ami smirks and looks at Atemu, Yugi, and Yami. "We are so getting him best dad of the year award along with Kathleen for best mom."

Yugi smiles softly before looking at his father. "So where are we going?" He asks. Atemu speaks up. "You can come to Egypt with my grandfather and me. We were planning on going back the only thing is we can't go to the airport with being wanted criminals..." Star and Dylan with...

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