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(Warning: dark)

Meanwhile in Yami's subconscious Ami sighs as he goes into his own mind as he looks through the memories a familiar voice greets him. "What's up your ass Ami?" Dylan asks.

Ami sighed as he looked at her. "It's just irritating to have to sit while there are more bullies hurting people out there. Also Yami and Yugi are getting suspicious. I can't have them know my final plan before it's ready."

He calmly walks over to a door as he gently rest his hand on it. Dylan rolls her eyes. "Do what Yami did with Yugi and distract them. Ami you are a king in this group. Distract them or make them forget their suspicions."

Ami sighed as he looks at her. "Yami is immune to my distractions. He and I share a mind while we also don't." Dylan sighs. "Not by magic. How many souls do you have left to collect?"

Ami looks at her with a sigh as he tapped the door as the three trapped souls cry in fear. "Five tainted and a two pure wishes along with a piece of a pure soul. I already have one pure soul's wish as well as the pure soul which I plan to take a piece from." He said as he held up a amulet which held Yuugi's soul.

Ami gently strokes the amulet. "To be honest I never really knew our little brother so I didn't really come as attached to Yuugi as Yami did. However I  need a portion of his soul but as a result he won't be able to go to heaven with a piece of his soul missing."

Dylan frowns. "Ami that's not right. Even for me." She said with a glare. Ami looks at her with a frown as his shadows surround her throat and he her up but doesn't choke her.

"Do not act like you know me. You don't know the hell I've been through. Soon everything will be as it should be."

Dylan gasps and glares at Ami. "Think... about how Yugi would... feel..." She said. Ami sighs again as he let her go. "Don't you see I'm doing this for Yugi. And for Yami and.... Yuugi as well. Yami will be happy to see his little brother again and I will have my power and my own body. In the end everyone wins."

"Well sacrificing Yami's brother is not the way Ami. Yuugi deserves heaven after what he went through. Ami remember he was killed by his parents too." Dylan said and grabs his hand.

Ami sighed as he looked at her. "Please Ami. If you want an innocent soul I can grab a baby with a horrible family to save it and have give you it's soul wish." Dylan said softly. "Please as your best friend."

Ami bites his lip as he sighed and gently removes the amulet as he lightly kissed it as he set it on the ground as it formed a small boy who looked like Yugi but much more childish.

Dylan smiles and ruffles his hair before Yuugi blinks in confusion as he sees Ami. "Yami? Is that you big brother?"

Dylan frowns and walks up to Yuugi. "No sweetheart. That's your other brother. Now off you go to heaven." She said. Yuugi looks at Ami and he tottles over and hugs him and kisses his cheek making Ami smile. "Will I get to see Yami again?"

Dylan nods her head. "Everyday you'll see him." She said before picking the boy up. "I'll take him to the gates since I'm basically dead anyways. You are to find a new pure soul. Not family." She glared.

Ami holds his hands up. "I didn't plan to hurt him. It's was a bad decision ok? I make mistakes too."

"Next time you pick a family member or a suicidal child Ami I swear I will take Yugi to heaven as well." Dylan threatens before disappearing.

Ami glares and he sighed before he smirks as he held Yuugi's soul wish. "Yuugi can go to heaven but his true soul wish is mine. Now I need another soul since I can't have part of his... ugh why do I have such a soft spot for people I care about?"

A picture of his three lovers showed up in his mind. As he looks he blinks before smiling. "That's it but how unless....no I can't... no Yugi. Yami and Atemu loves him too much and I do as well." His eyes fall on Atemu and an idea comes to mind.

"There are two ways to get a soul wish. For the person to die or for one to be changed from human to imortal. Atemu and Yugi are human so I will make them immortal along with Yami. With a soul wish and a pure soul piece I can accomplish my plan. Also with Yami's dark soul wish my dark power will increase."

Ami smile as Seth, Dylan, and Star appear. Star won't look at him after what she heard about what Ami wanted to do to Yuugi.

Dylan stretches her arms before crossing them. "What's your new plan?" She asked.

Ami smiles at the amulet which has the soul wish though no one can tell but him. "We keep on with the collecting of the remain five souls. As for the pure wishes and the new pure soul I have a plan but that comes later. Star you are to get Tea while Dylan gets Thalia. Seth will assist Star with her kills and I will assist Dylan."

Dylan nods her head. "What about the dance though? More kills means no dance."  Ami chuckles darkly. "Who said they had to find the bodies until after the dance?"

Dylan nods her head. "Then I'll take care of Thalia tomorrow." Dylan said looking suspiciously at Ami. Ami looks at her as the others leave. "What?" He asked as he walked over to write a fake meet up letter to Thaila knowing she will go if she knows Yami is there.

"What's your plan Ami? With the soul wishes?" She asked as he sighed. "You don't trust me do you? Don't worry no one will die. I already have a plan but I need to work out the details first." He feels her eyes on him.

"Fine Ami but I swear if anyone other then the bullies die you're going to see why I'm not allowed into heaven." She said before disappearing.

Ami shivers slightly. "I don't doubt it. And no worries my friend. I would never kill the ones I love. Thankfully good Yuugi is where he belongs in heaven."

He gently opens another drawer and pulls out another amulet. This one is darker and as he kisses it lightly as a darker version of Little Yuugi forms. He looks at Ami and whimpers reaching for Ami as he gently picks him up. "There, there little one soon all your suffering will be avenged." Ami coos as the little boy smiles and falls asleep. 'Soon all will be as it should.'

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