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With Dylan she was walking to Thalia's locker and placing Ami's fake note in it.

Anzu and Thalia go to their lockers and as Anzu is doing her makeup Thalia opens her locker and the note falls out. She picks it up before squealing. Anzu almost pokes her eye with her eyeliner. "What the heck Thalia?"

"Oh Anzu it's a note from Yami!" Anzu gives her a lip gloss smile. "Really? What's it say?" Thalia looks at the note. "It says he dumped those losers and want a body like mine." She said.

Anzu smirks as she pats her friend on the back. "Well it would be nice to have some hot guys in our group again. And I miss my Temmy too..." She said with a pout. "Duke is so no fun to have sex with anymore and Atemu never wanted to have sex until he was ready so he's still a must have item."

Thalia rolls her eyes. "He said he wanted to wait. Pathetic." She said before looking at the note. "It says to meet in the costume room."

Anzu smirks as she nods. "You got this girl. Take him, make him yours, and make sure he feels so much pleasure he won't want to look at dick again.

Thalia nods before closing her locker door and leaving to meet up with 'Yami'. She enters the stage and looks around for the costume room. The room becomes oddly cold as she goes deeper.

"Yo." Dylan said in Yami's voice. Thalia blinks and looks around. "Yami? Where are you?" Ami smirks as he waits in the costume room as he hears Dylan lead Thalia to him.

"I'm over here. Follow my voice. I wouldn't want people to know about us yet." Dylan said as she rolled her eyes. Ami shivers as he feels his skin crawl. 'Note to self need to buy more bleach after this'

Thalia walked over to Dylan and leaned on her shoulder. "Hey. Where do you want us to do this?" She whispers. Dylan smiles a sicking smile at Ami's direction. "Right in that closet."

'I fucking hate you Dylan' He grumbles as Dylan leads Thalia to the closet  as it grows darker.

"Now I'll be right back. I'm going to get my protection so we don't have anything coming out of that body." Dylan said before turning around with a smirk.

When Dylan leaves she nods to Ami to start his part and actually end her. Ami smirks as his shadows block out the screams as a knife comes down

With Yugi and Yami they were finishing their partner work as Yami shivers. Yugi looks up and looks confused at Yami. "What's wrong?" Yami looks at Yugi. "You're going to think I'm crazy but it feels like I was just violated in the most uncomfortable way. Makes me want to bathe in bleach"

Yugi gives Yami a blank face. "What is bathing in bleach with you and Ami? Who bathes in bleach?" Yami snickers. "Only Ami bathes in bleach. He says helps him feel better after he's been through a situation that makes him feel dirty and not the good dirty. I just bath in scalding hot water till the feeling goes away."

Yugi rolls his eyes as the bell rings and everyone gets their things to leave.

Anzu is on her phone trying to get ahold of Thalia but then she hears the sound of a phone in the trash by the theater and looks scared. "What the hell......" She looks in the trash and sees her friend's phone and her purse. "Oh no .... Thaila....." 

Dylan looks at Anzu as to everyone else she looks like Thalia. Her power was a blessing and a curse. She hid in the shadows waiting for her time to act.

As Anzu rushed to the principal office she rushed to the office. "I need to report my report friend missing. She when to the theater and I found her phone and belongings in the trash. I think she's been kidnapped or killed!" Anzu screamed. 

The secretary looks up to see 'Thalia' as she walked by. "Miss she just walked past the office."

'Thalia' looks at Anzu with fake shock. "Anzu! Did you just say I was kidnapped?! Why would you think that?!" Dylan yelled as she smirks at Anzu.

Anzu blinks and looks at 'Thalia'. "But your phone and purse...they were in the trash...." She stuttered.

'Thalia' frowns. "Yami just threw my stuff in there. Were... you trying to kidnap me....?" 'Thalia' whispers. Dylan smirks as she walks up to Anzu.

Anzu looks dumbfounded. "What? Why would you think..... girl friend I think you should stay away from that weird group... they are bad news."

Dylan leans to Anzu's ear. "You'll never seeing your friend again...." Dylan whispers before gasping. "Did you just threaten me? I thought I was your friend?!" 'Thalia' cries out loudly so many could hear.

Anzu looks around as every looks them. Kids started whispering and pointing as 'Thalia' continues to cry as Anzu panics. "Thalia you're one of my best friends I would never try to get you kidnapped or threaten you...."

'Thalia' shakes her head before running away from Anzu. Anzu shakes her head and then opens her locker and jumps back as the murder weapons from Mark and Rebecca's murders fall out and she looks in horror as everyone gasps.

Anzu looks at them with panic. "Those aren't mine..." A teacher and the principal hear the commotion and drag Anzu to the office as Ami smirks from where he's hidden.

Yugi watches the entire thing and raises an eyebrow at Anzu and tilts his head. Yami blinks in confusion as he watches but as he tried to say something about the case and the murders the silencing spell chokes him making him gag and gasp for air as he falls to the ground.

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