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Yugi pulls away and looks at Anzu and her group. "What's up?" He asks. Anzu rolls her eyes. "Why does it matter to you runt?" Yugi shrugs. "Just trying to be polite." Mai is in the back of the group with Rebecca who is already with a new guy not caring that Mark died.

"Sorry about Mark Rebecca." Yugi said. Rebecca rolls her eyes. "Sorry about what? I don't care that he's dead." She said. Mai nods. "He had it coming to him for cheating on her. The bastard got what he deserved. I actually heard he was nothing but bone and skin when the police found him. Hope he suffered."

Yugi frowns. "No one deserves to suffer like that." Yugi said and Rebecca just shrugged. "Maybe you can help me Yugi. It's so sad to lose someone you love." She said trying to act innocent.

Ami frowns and takes over before Yami can stop him. "Oh really. How would you know what it's like? You didn't even really care I mean you're already with a new guy and you don't even care that your old boyfriends dead. Talk about being a two-faced."

Yugi looks up at 'Yami' shocked. "Yami calm down. Please you're making a scene. We came here for fun." Yugi said. Yami tried to calm Ami down along with Yugi as Ami goes back into Yami as Yami has full control again as he blinks. "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper."

Yugi nods before pulling his lover away from the popular group. Atemu stuck his tongue in out at them as he follows his lovers and their friends.

Anzu glares and huffs. "This place is boring anyway let's go to the shopping plaza across the street. It's a lot more fun." Ami and Yami share a look. Yami turns transparent and then changed his clothes and appears to be a hot guy with black hair in a sports jacket.

Yugi doesn't notice the change as he was paying for game tokens. Ami still looked aggravated. Yugi looks back at 'Yami' and frowns before kissing him softly. Ami smiles and kisses Yugi back as he deepens the kiss.

Yugi pulls back and smiles. "Better?" He asks. Ami smirks. "Hmm maybe if I got another kiss." He said with a pouty look. Yugi giggles before leaning up to give 'Yami' a kiss as Ami deepens it as he rests his hands on Yugi's waist.

Yugi felt another hand on the other side and new who it was. Atemu smiles as he looks at his lovers. "Come on guys you can't play games while you make out." Ami smirks as he pulls Atemu into the kiss too as he squeezes his ass making Atemu yelp. "Sure I can Temmy." He said and winked as he went to go look at the games.

Yugi blushes and giggles at Atemu. Atemu had a thoughtful look. "Yugi does Yami seem...... different?" Yugi looks at Atemu confused before shaking his head. "I mean he seems a little more flirty......."

Yugi shrugs before going to play some games. Ami is killing it at one game as he is shooting all the enemies without blinking an eye.

Yugi watches and smiles at 'Yami'. "You're really good." Yugi said. Ami shrugs. "I've gotten some practice I guess you can say. When I was younger before my family got separated the way they did my Grandpa would take me shooting I became quite a good at aiming."

Yugi listens to 'Yami' as Atemu watches him with suspicion. "So Yami I hear you calling Yugi a lot of different pet names. Just out of curiosity what's your favorite one to use?" 'If he doesn't say baby panda then that's Dark Yami.' Ami smirks as he puts the controller down and pulls Yugi into his arms. "He's my precious baby boy that's who he is." He coos and nuzzles Yugi lightly.

Yugi giggles and nuzzles 'Yami' back. Atemu smirks. 'I knew it but if that's dark Yami then where's the real Yami?'

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