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Meanwhile Yami, Atemu, and Yugi are sitting on Yugi's bed. Yami is fiddling with the pyramid shaped amulet while holding Yugi on his lap.

Yugi was playing on one of his gameboys as the puzzle hung on his neck.
Atemu plays the game with Yugi and pouts when he loses. "Aw man...." Yugi snickers. "Thirty for me. Zero for Atemu." Yugi teased.

Atemu pouts and looks at Yugi. "That's hardly fair since you have been playing games longer than I have!" He whines. "Right Yami?" When Yami doesn't respond right away Atemu and Yugi share a look.

"Yami? Are you okay? I mean well better than earlier?" Yugi asks. Yami nods and looks at the amulet. "I'm fine baby panda it's just something's bothering me about this. Why would Ami hide this? Why did he feel like he couldn't come to us." "Yami I'm think Ami has his reasons. Why would he come to us?" Yugi asks softly as he puts his gameboy down.

Yami sighs and looks at Yugi. "If he actually thought he can trust us which he should feel like he can because he should know that we love him no matter what why would he need to hide I just can't get over the fact that he was hiding this this whole time. Also hiding the fact that he was my brother. I feel betrayed in a way."

Yami bites his lip as tears fall. "It also means that my parents were even more cruel than I thought if they killed their own child not once but twice!"

Yugi moves to lay on Yami's lap. "Yami not all parents are nice and loving. Ami gave his life for you and maybe he wasn't ready to tell you the truth just yet." Yugi said.

Yami pulls Yugi closer as he hugs him tightly. "Perhaps you know in a way I feel relieved knowing that he isn't just some emotion but rather he's another soul who's been with me. I have a feeling he denied his chance to go to heaven because of me. I feel guilty about it."

Yugi hugs Yami back and played with his hair. "Yami that's what family and lovers do. I would have gave Ami my soul wish if he just asked." Yugi said as he bites his lip.

Yami looks at Yugi confused but then smiles. "Wait you would have? Oh that's so sweet Yugi. Honestly I would give mine too. Any place you Ami and Atemu aren't is hell for me."

Yugi nods his head. "Yeah I would. That's just who I am." Yugi said and looks at Atemu. "Though Atemu I have a feeling Ami has something bigger planned."

Atemu looks away. "Look I will tolerate him because you guys forgave him. I still love Ami but I can't trust him after the shit he pulled. Maybe it's safer for him to stay in his puzzle for now."

Yugi frowns and looks at his puzzle. "I don't think it's up to you Atemu. I think he's in there until he's recovered. Who knows how long that is.... Yami where's the amulet?" Yugi asks noticing the amulet was gone. Yami looks confused. "It was right on the couch arm.... what the it's gone..." Yami said in shock.

Slowly shadows began to swirl around one section of the floor. Yami stood protectively in front of Yugi and Atemu as the shadows formed a pillar before darkening as the shape of a male form.

Yugi looks over Yami's shoulder before the room flickered and they saw Ami was standing in the middle of the floor his eyes closed.

Yami and Yugi's faces broke into smiles. "Ami!" "Ami!" Yugi and Yami said in shock and happily got to him as his eyes open and he pulls them into his arms. "It's good to be back. I miss you guys to death."

Yugi smiles and nuzzles Ami's chest. A faint meow is heard as Sharik pops his head out of Ami's hair. "You can come out now Sharik." Ami said as he pulls Yami and Yugi closer as he inhales their scent happily as he buries his face in Yugi's hair.

Yugi turns his head to look at Atemu. "Temmy? Aren't you happy?" Atemu nods. "Yeah welcome back Ami. That doesn't change how I don't trust you though." Atemu then goes to the kitchen as Ami sighes. "I really made him mad didn't I?" "Yep and he's not the only one but I'm willing to let it go cause I love you Bro."

Yugi frowns at Atemu before following him. Atemu opens the fridge and just stares inside not really wanting anything but he acts like he's looking for something.

"Atemu I know you're upset but please give him another chance." Yugi said as he walks up behind Atemu. Atemu sighed and closed the fridge as he turned around. "This is me giving him a second chance. I can't trust him though Yugi. When you hurt someone that much it hard to change your opinion on them." He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

Yugi sighs and rubbed his arm. "I know it is Atemu. But you have to look at through their eyes. You saw the memory. Yami liked as well." Yugi said

Atemu frowns and looks down. "Look I know he had it rough bit that doesn't give him a reason to abuse Yami like he has been. And what if he tries to do the same to us?"

"Atemu I agree but it's just how Ami is. He was never given love and is trying to show it the way he knows." Yugi said. Yami appears at the door. "Also, while I didn't like how rough Ami was I didn't fully hate what happened. Yes Ami's an asshole at times but he's a good guy. Give him a chance to show you that side of him."

Ami appears behind Yami. "It's ok guys. I deserve Atemu giving me the cold shoulder. I'm sorry for what happened. And I hope you can forgive me..."

Ami then goes to the bedroom and lays down. Yugi frowns as he sighs and lays his head on Atemu's shoulder. "Oh Ami..." Atemu hugs Yugi. "I just need some time okay? Trust me I want to forgive him. I need time to heal from this first. I'll be sleeping in the guest room if you need me." He walks down the hall and into the guest room before he closes the door.

Yugi looks at Yami. "You sleep with Atemu tonight and I'll sleep with Ami." Yugi said. Yami nods kisses Yugi before he heads to the guest room.

Ami strokes Sharik lightly as he stares at the ceiling. "I really fucked up didn't I...." he whispered sadly into Sharik's fur. "No you didn't." Yugi said as he entered the room. "You just made a mistake but everyone does that." Yugi smiles.

Ami looks up and smiles but frowns when he doesn't see Yami or Atemu. "Where's...?" He starts to ask but is cut off by Yugi. "The guest room. Atemu wanted to sleep in there tonight and to make sure no one was lonely Yami and I went to different rooms." Yugi said with a sad smile.

Ami looks like a kicked puppy as he looks down. "Oh I see. Well thanks for keeping me company Baby Boy. I appreciate that." Yugi climbs onto his bed and stares at the ceiling. "Don't worry Ami. We're going to the arcade/club. You can work on his forgiveness tomorrow." Yugi yawns.

Ami smiles as he closed his eyes and rolled over on top of Yugi reminding him of the first time Yami did that. Yugi groans and giggles at Ami. "You're heavy...." Yugi mumbles. Ami chuckles "Well I'm bigger than you are so yeah. You don't honestly think Yami's the true dominant one do you?" He playfully growls as he pulls Yugi into a kiss as he strokes Yugi's face.

Yugi moans and kisses Ami back softly.

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