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Yugi feels a light touch on his hand. Yugi looks behind him and smiles. Yami steps up beside him as he winks. "Now shall we at last cross paths my beloved as the sun craves the moon so the moon craves the sun." Yami smirks as his eyes shine mischievously.

Yugi giggles at Yami and rolls his eyes. "Come on. I'm hungry and we only have thirty minutes for lunch." Yami grins as he picks Yugi up and throws him over his shoulder. "Alright cutie let's hurry then."

Yugi gasps and yelps. He heard Joey giggle and then also yelp as Seth did the same to Joey as the two laughed.

Yugi giggles and playfully pounds on Yami's back. "Put me down!" Yami shakes his head. "Nope. Sorry cutie but I kindly refuse."

"You don't even know where the cafeteria is." Yugi said. Seth speaks up. "Down the hall to the right." Joey and Yugi share a surprise look as their captors carry them to the cafeteria.

"How did you know? Aren't you new too?" Yugi asks. Seth shrugs. "I make a habit of trying to find out everything I can about a location. It's what I do." Yami chuckles as they enter the lunchroom and find a table. As they sit Joey and Yugi pull out their bento boxes as Seth pulls out two as well for Yami and himself.

Yugi sits closer to Yami as he sees Atemu and waves at him. Atemu looks around and sees none of the other popular kids are around so he smiles and goes to their table. "Mind if I join you?"

Yami looks at Atemu suspiciously but then looks at Yugi waiting for his input. Yugi smiles and nods. "Sure Atemu. You don't have to ask." He said. Atemu sighs happily as he sits down.

"Thanks I don't like eating lunch alone and I don't like eating with the popular kids all they want to talk about is the latest trends and whose muscles are great or whose boobs are better. I'd rather be in better company."

He takes a fork and pokes at his cafeteria food. "I just wish they would make edible food here."

Yugi pushes an apple to Atemu. "Here. You can have it." Atemu smiles and then is shocked when Yami puts half his bento on a plate and pushed it to Atem. "Here. I always make to much anyways"

Yugi smiles and lays his head on Yami's shoulder. "That's sweet." Yami shrugs as he used his chopsticks to pick out some rice and slowly eats.

Joey looks at Seth's lunch and blinks "Wow did you make that yourself?" Seth shook his head. "No Yami did. I can't cook to save my life." "Yeah like that time you burned water." Yami snickers as Seth rolled his eyes

Yugi looks at Yami. "What do you cook?" Yugi asks. Yami shrugs as he smiles and holds out a piece of chicken for Yugi to try. "Really anything that catches my fancy. Seth likes fish though so make it for him."

Yugi takes a bite and smiles. "It's really good." Yugi said once he swallowed.

Yami smiles and nods as Seth shares his lunch with Joey who happily munches away. Atemu eats his food happily. "Damn your a good cook Yami. I wish my grandpa had your cooking skills."

Yami just shrugs as he eats as he looks at Yugi's bento curiously but doesn't say anything.

"My mom cooks for me." Yugi said as he eats some of his bento before he heard someone call his name. He turned around and bit his lip seeing Rebecca coming to them.

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