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Yugi smiles and takes out a pack of noodles for dinner. Yami gets to work cooking so Kathleen can go lay down as she is starting to get a little sick.

Yugi gets out the cups as Atemu gets the silverware. As Yami cooks Yugi sees the same shadow figure hovering behind him as Yami sees unaware.

Yugi opened his mouth to question it but the shadow turns and its red eyes glow as it goes towards Yugi then disappears again. Yami looks up as the cups in Yugi's hands fall.

Yugi grabs his head and blinks as a headache forms. Ami looks over as he sees a shadow near Yugi and attacks it as he becomes transparent yet visible as he kills the shadow demon that was stalking Yugi. The demon dies before disappearing in a puff of smoke as Ami glares at where the shadow was as Yami goes over and gently holds Yugi close.

"Yami... my head hurts." Yugi groans. Ami gently touched Yugi's forehead removing the demons poison as the headache goes away.

Yugi blinks and looks at Yami confused. "What... What just happened?" Yami smiles weakly as he looks at Ami confused as Ami frowns. 'A demon tried to feed on Yugi's light energy. He's not claimed so they will be after him till we claim him Yami.' Yami bites his lip unsure how to tell Yugi a demon tried to eat him.

"Yami are you okay?" Yugi asks. "Yes I'm fine. "Just a bit tired......." Yami looks very tired suddenly as he finished cooking and turned off the stove. "I think I'll go to bed early." He almost limps up the stairs and to their room before he collapses as his body is overworked from having both Ami and himself be separate being.

Yugi frowns and wanted to follow Yami but stayed in his seat. "We'll be up after dinner Yami. If Atemu doesn't mind spending the night?"

Atemu smiled as he hugged Yugi as Kathleen came out looking better as the demon had been the reason she felt sick. "Where Yami dear?"

"He went to bed mama. Mama can Atemu stay the night?" Yugi asks. Kathleen nods with a smile. "Yugi, your boyfriends are welcome anytime. Just promise you will use protection when you do the deed ok? For mine and your father's sake."

Yugi tilts his head in confusion. "The deed? What is that?" Yugi asks innocently. Atemu leans to Yugi. "She means sex." he whispered.

Yugi made an O shape before looking at his mother. "What's protection?" He asks. Kathleen sighed and reaches into a draw and pulls out a box and hands it to Yugi as Atemu blushes. "Those are condoms." Atemu mumbled

Yugi looks at him in confusion. "Maybe we should give it to Yami. You think he'll know what to do with them?" " Yugi said as he looks at the box.

Meanwhile Ami looks at Yami nervously as he has yet to wake up and his breathing is fast and hard. 'Come on Yami don't do this to me.' He gently strokes Yami's hair as he sighed and kisses Yami's forehead as Yami begins to breathe evenly as Ami sighed in relief not caring he was visible even if it was only transparent. Yami needed him.

After a few minutes Yugi and Atemu came into the room. "So what do these things do?" Yugi asks before he gasps seeing Ami but sadly no his face. "Ami...?"

Ami looks up and waves as he gently stroked Yami's hair. "Hey Baby Boy."
Atemu blinks and looks at Yugi confused. "Who the hell is Ami? And who is that?"

"I don't know...." Yugi whispers honestly as he drops the box. Ami sighed as he gently strokes Yami's hair. "There will be a time when you find out just not right now. The reason I'm here is because Yami passed out."

"I don't understand. Why are you here? Is Yami okay?" Yugi asks. Ami sighed and nods. "He's fine now that I got rid of that demon. The reason you had those headaches there was a demon trying to feed from you. I was able to get rid of it. However it also put strain on our body."

"What demon?" Yugi asks. Ami bites his lip as his hood slides back a bit and they see his hair color which is oddly the same color as Yami's before he pulls it back into place.

"Your hair.... it looks like Yami's hair." Ami sighs. "Yeah it's supposed to we're related after all." Yugi looks shocked at Ami. Atemu blinks before he chuckled. "That's a good one yeah I know tell us who you are really."

Ami sighed as he looked over his shoulder as new memories appeared but they weren't Yami's and they were in first person. "As I said before I can't tell you exactly who I am but I will tell you this I'm Yami and little Yuugi's older brother."

Ami watched his memories as they saw a baby Yami crying as a woman who looked like Yami was arguing with a man as they fought. At one point that the woman yelled for someone to shut the baby up as the person gently picked up the baby.

The memory tuntured to third person and they saw young boy holding a swaddled baby. The little boy had a hoodie on so they couldn't see his face but they automatically knew who it was.

"It's okay Yami it's okay I'm here big brother is here." Ami coos as Baby Yami calms down and looks at Ami with his big innocent crimson eyes.

Atemu blinks and looks at Yugi stunned. Yugi was still shocked from the news and the memories.

Ami frowns as the memories took a turn for the worst. "Then when Yami was only two and I was three my mother went insane. My father left her because he caught her cheating on him. Her current boyfriend didn't like kids so he said to just get rid of us. So I quickly made sure to hide Yami so they wouldn't find him. Yami survived I didn't."

Yugi frowns and walks closer to the memory

The woman smiles sweetly over at her son who looked at her with distrust as she made sugar cookies. "That wasn't sugar that she put on the cookies it was rat poison. She then had me eat three I died instantly." Ami said in a broken voice as he looked down. "Shortly after that my dad came back and hooked up with my mom again however that's whenever I came back I couldn't stay away knowing that Yami needed help so I was his Guardian."

Yugi hugs Ami's waist. "I'm sorry." Ami lightly stroked Yugi's hair as Atemu went over and hugged Ami too.

"Yami doesn't even really know who I am. First I could only visit him on occasion and when Yuugi was born Yami said that I was his imaginary protector our parents thought he was crazy took him to several doctors and hospitals but there was nothing wrong with him if course he just had a special gift being able to see the dead." Ami said.

The memory shows a 15 year old Yami and a 11 year old Yuugi as the parents fight. "That boy is crazy we have to get rid of him we can't have them soiling our other child with his madness."

"When they sent him to those hospitals under that harsh treatment I became more visible it made me angry that they were hurting my brother so I became part of him. Please don't tell Yami I'm not ready for him to know yet."

Atemu frowns at Ami. "How do we know you're not just making this up? And what even are you?"

Yugi frowns at Atemu as Ami continues to stroke his hair. Ami smirks and kisses Atemu who blushes. "Don't worry Temmy. When the time is right everything will be explained for right now though this will all feel like a dream to you. If you ever need me remember as long as Yami is here I'm here. I love you both. Also I had a lot of fun tonight with you." Ami kissed them both as they began to fade.

Yugi's eyes widen as he disappears.

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