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Meanwhile with the others Yugi finished putting the last piece of the puzzle together. Slowly Yami forms as he sits down and keeps his gaze on the floor.

Yugi smiles and hugs Yami immediately. "Oh thank goodness! I was so worried!" He cries softly.

Yami carefully pats Yugi's back as he can't look him in the eye. "Yami I love you and I don't care that you killed. What I care about is that you felt guilty meaning your human. Oh I love you so much!" Yugi said in Yami's chest.

Yami's eyes fill with tears as he hugs Yugi close. "Yugi... I love you too." He then looks down. "We have to find a way to save Ami though. I know deep inside there's still good in him we just have to get to it." He said softly

Yugi nods his head and looks softly at Atemu. "Temmy? Will you help?" Atemu frowns. "I'll help but don't think I'll forgive him so easily. He's still a heartless bastard who tried to hurt Yami."

Yugi frowns. "I don't think he's a....bastard. I think he's hurt and afraid." Yugi said cussing for the first time.

Everyone looks at Yugi shocked as they had never heard him curse before. Yami gently kisses Yugi's lips before pulling back.

Yugi giggles softly. "Do you think Ami will be mad if I said that word? I've never said it before." Yugi asks. Yami chuckles and shakes his head. "He'd be shocked as hell but mad I don't think so he'd probably laugh his ass off to be honest."

Yugi smiles before a red portal came alive in the warehouse they were all in. Seth and Star stood in front of them. Yugi looks worried as Dylan walks out of the portal but it doesn't close.

Yami and Yugi and Atemu flinch as Ami walks out his cape flying back like giant wings as he steps out of the portal.

Yugi whimpers and runs behind the random boxes. He peeks out to watch though.

Yami and Atemu look ready to fight as Ami slowly walks to them and as he sighs he takes off his amulet with the soul wish. "I'm not here to fight. I'm here because I want you to take me back. I know I don't deserve it. But I can't live without you."  Ami looks up as his genuine love for them shines through his eyes.

Yugi smiles and being who he was runs up to Ami and hugs his waist. Ami smiles and hugs Yugi back as Yugi can feel Ami being sincere.

"Oh Ami I was so worried." Yugi said softly. Ami smiles as a hand rest on his arm and he looks over to see Yami smiling. He hugs Ami who smiles happy his lovers still care for him as he does for them.

Yugi nuzzles Ami's chest and looks at Atemu. 'Please.' He mouths to him. Atemu crossed his arms but sighed as he walked over and joined the hug. "I'm still mad at you Ami. Yugi and Yami may be willing to overlook your selfish decision but it will take longer to win me over."

Yugi relaxes into the hug against Ami. "I knew you were still good." Yugi whispers. Ami blinks as his darkness is at Bay as he turns back to his normal self. "I'm sorry for scaring you Baby Boy."

Yugi looks up at Ami with innocent eyes. "It's ok Ami. I promise I'll love you no matter what." Yami nods. "Yeah Brother you're important to all of us. Especially me. Though it will take me a little while before I fully trust you again but I do forgive you."

Yugi nods his head agreeing with Yami. Ami pouts a bit. "Does that mean I have to sleep on the couch?" He whined as Atemu rolled his eyes. "Maybe that's a good idea...." Ami looked horrified.

Yugi giggles and shakes his head. "No Ami."

Suddenly a young voice cuts through the silent as a pure version of Yuugi appears. "Big Brother!" He cried happily as he flew to Yami and hugged him. Yami smiles as he hugs his little brother tightly. "Yuugi...." "Please don't blame yourself anymore it wasn't your fault it wasn't anyone's fault except for well the meanies who did it to me."

Ami watches the display with slightly narrowed eyes as he saw Yuugi as a threat to his and Yami's relationship. Yugi didn't notice as he laid his head on Ami's chest. Ami then smiled and nuzzles Yugi all while watching Yuugi and Yami hug. 'He's mine so don't get to comfortable Yuugi. I don't like to share.'

Yuugi chuckles as he looks at Ami and flies to him and hugs him. "I missed you too Biggest brother." Yugi moves away from Ami so Yuugi can hug him fully. Ami pouts but hugs Yuugi who giggles.

Yami chuckles at the face Ami makes at being called the Biggest brother. "Don't push your luck little boy." Ami have threaten half teased but it was not hostile.

Yuugi giggles as his Darker half appears followed by a man who kept to the shadows. The two bolted for each other and and hugged as Dark Yuugi clings to Light Yuugi while tears fell from both of their eyes.

As Ami watches he smiles. 'They're Darkness and Light, day and night yet they get along so well they may be the same person but they're different. Maybe I have been going about them the wrong way....'

A shadow appears behind him. 'Oh you're letting yourself get soft. Are you really going to cave to the weakness if others?' Ami shakes his head. 'Trust me my plan is still in action, but I won't hurt my lovers again. If I have power what good is it if I can't protect what's mine? Also don't forget Shadow I own you since that day so I'd watch your tongue or you may end up like those bullies.' The shadow shivered and nods as it disappears.

Ami sighed and lightly pulls back before he feels weak suddenly and collapses as his body fades.

Yugi gasps and looks at Ami. "He must of been out too long." Yugi said as he tried to touch Ami's hand but his hand went through him. Yami shakes his head as he looks worried as Ami fades til he's transparent.

"No this is not the same. Ami formed a body with the energy of a soul. One soul provides a few days where he can have a body. Sadly once the soul burns out so does he. Even I can't touch him....he's a phantom until he either gets a new soul or a permanent body...for now he only has the puzzle to reside in as my body won't let him in now. I don't know why but when Ami tried going in my body fought him...."

Yugi frowns and tries to hold Ami's hand but couldn't. Ami slowly wakes up and looks at Yami and Yugi and Atemu sadly before he disappears into the puzzle. Yugi frowns and sighs. "I don't want him to be alone though." Yugi said softly to Yami and Atemu.

Yami nods as Atemu crosses his arms and frowns. Star blinks awake as she looks confused. "What happened.....wait how long was I out for?" Seth rolled his eyes along with Dylan. "Trust me squirt you didn't miss much." Star pouts at the name but nods.

Yugi looks at Yami and Atemu before yawning as it was getting late. Seth smiles at them then nods to Dylan. "We should get them home." Dylan nods. "Seth I need you to go to Yugi's parents including his dad and erase what just happened. I'm sure Kathleen told Ryan." She said.

Seth nods and teleports to Kathleen and Ryan and erased the memories of of the events that happened the night before.

Dylan looks at the other three and the puzzle. "Alright. I cleaned up your house to where it looks like nothing happened. Yugi put the puzzle on and I'll take you guys back. You have school tomorrow." Dylan said. The three nods and Yugi puts the puzzle on and what they didn't know was some of his light went into the puzzle.

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