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Ami looks bored after playing games and watches as Yugi was dancing with Atemu to the music. Ami smirks as he feels his dick get hard. "Daddy wants some attention." He goes over as he slowly rest his hands on Yugi's hips.

Yugi looks up at 'Yami' shocked. "I thought you said you didn't like dancing." 'Correction Yami doesn't like dancing, I love to dance.' He thought as he smiles. "And let someone else swoop you away from me hell no. You and Atemu are mine and I am the only one allowed to dance with you."

Yugi giggles as he dances. Ami soons starts showing off his dance moves as they play an Egyptian style belly dance song.

Yugi claps his hands encouraging 'Yami' and smiling. "Go Yami!" Ami smirks as he dances making everyone stop and watch in awe. His dancing was smooth and hypnotic like watching the eyes of a snake drawing in prey. 'Yami can kill me for this later there ain't no way in hell I'm backing down from a dance.'

Yugi watches along with Atemu closely and they couldn't look away. Ami smirks as he motions for them to join him and they immediately go. Yugi joins along with Atemu and dances along with Ami.

Ami switched between Atemu and Yugi as his dance got a bit more dirty. No one could look away though. As the music closed Ami pulled Yugi and Atemu into a dramatic pose. Atemu pants as his face turns pink as everyone claps.

Yugi blinks and shakes his head as he panted. "That was amazing Yami." Yugi said. Ami chuckles and kisses Yugi. 'Oh if only you knew Yami has two left feet and dances like a baby deer.' Yami appears in his disguise and blinks as he goes back into his body while Ami smiles. Atemu giggles. "You should dance like that more often Yami."

Yugi smiles and nods his head.

Yami looks at them confused. "Dance...." He glares at Ami who shrugs and giggles. 'We are going to have a long talk Mr and no Yugi time for you tonight.' Ami pouts and sighs.

Yugi smiles before hearing his phone go off. "That's Mom Yami. She said dinner is being made. Can you believe how long we've been here?" Yugi asks.

Yami smirks and jokes. "I don't know long enough to commit murder maybe." He laughed. Yugi giggles at Yami and shakes his head not knowing the inside joke.

Meanwhile with Anzu and Mai. "Hey Rebecca are you hey what the hell..." They open the door and scream as they run away to tell the mall security. Soon the police were called and they were at the department store as Yami and Yugi and their friends passed by as ambulance with some guys with stretchers wheeled out a body bag.

Yugi looks at the cars with a frown. "Do you think it's another murder?" They saw Yugi's dad at the scene frowning. Yami and Ami shared a look as Yugi and the gang walked over as far as they could.

Yugi tries to look closer but Yami wouldn't let him. "Yugi if it was a murder I don't want you to have to see that." Ryan shook his head as he spoke into his radio. "Female Caucasian blonde hair blue eyes age 15 cause of death laceration and multiple stab wounds to the upper chest. Weapon not found traces of a killer negative."

Yugi sighs and nods his head and they all went to Yugi's house not hearing his father. Though Yami heard perfectly. Ami chuckles 'So you strangled the little whore with her own panties? Personally I would have done worse you know like one of those dumb high heels in her skull or something but whatever.'

When they got home Kathleen was watching the news as it broadcasted Rebecca as the second murder victim.

Yugi covers his mouth with a gasp and places his face on Atemu's chest. Atemu gently rubbed his back as Yami frowns. Kathleen looks down. "What a tragic way to die.... The poor girl. I can only imagine what will happen when her grandfather finds out. And right after her boyfriend died too...."

"Oh... Arthur will be so sad..." Yugi whispers. Atemu nods as he hugs Yugi while Yami and Ami share a look. 'Maybe we should help Yugi forget her.'

Yami sighs as he gently strokes Yugi's face. Yugi smiled and leans into the touch not knowing it was the same one that ended the girl and who caused him pain.

Yugi sighs and smiles softly as he looks up at Yami. Yami smiles his crimson eyes shined full if love as he pulls Yugi into a kiss. Yugi smiles and kisses Yami back softly. Atemu smiles as his phone rings and it's his grandpa asking if he's staying at Yugi's house for dinner. Atemu looks up and Yami and Yugi nod as Atemu text back letting Grandpa know he would be.

Kathleen was a bit shaky as she grabbed the plates but Yami lightly took them and set them out for her. She smiled and patted his shoulder unaware she was thanking a murderer.

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