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Suddenly the door opened and the hooded stranger and a taller boy who looked a lot like Seto but with longer hair walk in. "The taller boy is Seth Koebi and the one with the hood is Yami Sennen. They are cousins and they will be joining our class please make them feel welcome. Also Mr. Sennen hoods are not to be worn in our classroom so can you please remove it?"

Yami lets out a sigh as he flips his hood back and reveals a handsome face but with a faint scar down the left side of his face as he glares as Dartz. "Better Asshole?" He asked in his odd voice. Which shocked everyone even Mr. Dartz.

Yugi gasps softly and place his chin in his hand. He was shocked at Yami's hair looking like his own. His face had some noticable scars but other then that Yami looked very handsome to Yugi. Yugi also never heard someone actually curse at a teacher since his old friends moved away.

Mr. Dartz frowned and went to grab his ruler to correct Yami when Yami smirks as Mr. Dartz trips over air and falls on his face.

Yugi sat up from his desk like everyone else. Though he looked worried for the teacher everyone else laughed.

Yami turned to the class and glared. "What the fuck are you asswipes laughing at?" He growls as everyone shivers and falls silent.

Yugi looked at Yami with slight fear and looks down at his lap after he sat down.
Mr. Dartz got up. "Please take your seats." He stuttered as he was very scared of Yami now. Yami just shrugs and looks around until he stops a seat that's open in front of Yugi as he strolls over and sits down as Seth finds a spot behind Joey.

Yugi looks at Joey and gave him a small worried look. "Don't worry Cutie. I don't bite...much. We just hate assholes and trust me you two are not that." Yami turned to looks at Yami giving Yugi a better look at his face and his bright crimson eyes.

Yugi jumps slightly and looked at Yami. "O-okay." He whispers before looking into Yami's eyes. Yami smirks as he reached up and ruffles Yugi's hair. "You're ok for a shortie."

"T-thanks... I think." Yugi giggles.
Yami smirks as he turns back around and started his work. The class went by smoothly after that but soon Yugi saw Yami with his head down.

Yugi lightly touches Yami's shoulder. "Yami? Are you awake?" A light snore answer as Mr. Dartz frowns and calls Yami's name. "Mr. Sennen care to tell us what the answer to question 37 is since you don't seem to be paying attention to the lecture?"

Yugi shakes Yami's shoulder softly.
Yami opens his eyes. "The answer is 2. And to the show the work. You divide by the area and times that by the radius before you square the whole thing now can you let me fucking sleep Teach?"

Mr. Dartz looks shocked. "That's the correct answer...." He stuttered "and sure you can go back to sleep Yami go right ahead...."

Yami lays his head back down but not before he winks at Yugi as he falls back asleep. Yugi blushes and giggles softly at Yami as he shakes his head. Across the room Joey and Seth seem to be having a blast as they pass notes and such while Seth helps Joey with his work.

The class ends and as Anzu gets up and walks to the door she purposely steps on Yugi's foot with her high-heeled shoe. Yugi winces and bites his lip. "Ouch!" Yugi yelps. "Are you going to fucking apologize bitch?" Anzu turns und shocked at Yami who's glaring at her.

Yugi looked up at Yami shocked. "Yami... I'm okay.. I'm sure it was an accident." Yugi said softly. Yami looks at Yugi. "That was no accident she knew what she was doing now apologize or else." Anzu smirks. "Or what tough guy?" Yami smirks as Anzu takes a step as her skirt flies up as Yami covered Yugi's eyes.

Anzu's underwear was hot pink with hello kitty on them. The whole class minus Yami Yugi and Seth burst out laughing. She turned red from embarrassment and ran out of the room crying.

"What happened?" Yugi asks as he tried to look. Yami shook his head as everyone else laughed loudly. "Not important and again what the fuck are you asswipes laughing at?" Everyone shuts up and silently gathers there things.

Yami stands up and helps Yugi to his feet. "Is your foot ok?" He asked softly as his eyes seemed to glow gently.

Yugi blushes and nods. "Thanks Yami..." Yugi whispered. Yami nods as he gathers his and Yugi's things. "I'll help you to your next class."

Yugi nods and waves at Atemu silently saying bye knowing he was nice. Atemu waves back as Anzu storms back in and drags him out. Yami rolls his eyes. "What a bitch. Though the guy seems ok." He muttered the last part as he took Yugi's hand and led him into the hallway.

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