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Ami was in the puzzle lost in his thoughts. 'Great now I'm a worthless spirit. I can't hold, touch, or do anything. Without my amulet I'm a ghost.'

He sighed as he looks down. 'Well at least Yugi and Yami still love me... I don't know about Atemu. He still seems mad.' Suddenly a small flash of light appears. Ami blinks and holds it as it forms into a small spirit kitten. The kitten meows and stretches it's small body in Ami's hands.

Ami smiles as he softly pets the small creature as he looks into its warm amethyst eyes. Ami strokes the tiny head as light purrs are heard. "I'll call you Sharik it means friend or part partner."

The cat purrs and licks it's rough tongue against Ami's hand. Ami smiles sadly as he looks around his lonely prison. The cat meows at Ami and tries to get Ami to pet him. Ami giggles and picks up Sharik. "Well at least I have someone to keep me company." He strokes the tiny ears and gently touches his nose to the kittens.

Sharik nods his head and plays with Ami's bangs like Yugi would sometimes. Small tears form in Ami's eyes but he stubbornly refused to let them fall as he slowly got to his feet and carrying Sharik as walked through the dark corridors of the puzzle as it slowly shaped his true feeling and his heart.

It became dark and empty and cold. Ami looks down. "This was how my heart was before dark and empty." Sharik shivers against the cold. Ami lightly holds him closer and wraps his cape around him. "I've long since grown used to the cold."

Sharik purrs and nuzzles Ami's chest and lightly nips at the clothe. Ami smiles as he looks around. "Am I destined to remain cold and dark and alone? Even when I have Yugi and Atemu and Yami they will leave and pass on and I'll be alone again."

Sharik hisses at Ami and shakes his head. Sharik lightly scratches at Ami's clothed chest. "As much as I appreciate the comfort I know it's true. After all who would want to be denied the chance at heaven. I chose to not go and now I'm to be alone always aren't I?"

Sharik shakes his fluffy hair before nipping at Ami's fingers. Suddenly a familiar snicker was heard behind Ami. "Is that what you think Ami?"

Ami jumps into the air as he turned around quickly. "Shit Dylan! If I wasn't already dead you could have given me a fucking heart attack." Dylan shrugs before walking up to Ami and pets Sharik. "I see you got Yugi's gift." She said.

Ami smiles and nods as he strokes his kitten. "Yeah he's cute. I'll keep him with me always. But Dylan you know as well as I when a soul refuses to go to heaven and braces the darkness they are forever banned from entering the heavens. As a fallen Shinigami you should know.

Dylan rolls her eyes before slapping Ami on the back of his head. "Of course. Who on earth or hell would want to live there?" She said.

"Ow! And well Yuugi and apparently Yugi and Yami and Atemu." He whispered the last three names with a pained look.

Dylan sighs before shaking his head. "Yugi doesn't believe in God Ami. When or if he passes he will sadly go to hell." She said. "Yugi was upset because you did not give Yami a choice though he would have stayed." Dylan explains.

Ami looks at Dylan. "Well he has a choice now. My mark disappeared when my body dissolved and by the way I've acted they will not want to stay with me."

Dylan laughs. "Oh gosh Ami you are so blind!' She laughs as Ami frowns then something dawns on him. "Wait what do you mean Yugi won't go to heaven? He's pure of heart he is entitled to go isn't he?"

Dylan sighs as she stops laughing. "Yami and Yuugi believed in the only god. Yugi believes in karma luck." Dylan said. "If he passes and you don't mark him Ami he will go to hell."

Ami glares as he bites his lip. "I won't let my lover go anywhere I can't. Thanks to me cockiness all those years back hell won't let me in either. But how do I get them to see this my way?"

Dylan rolls her eyes. "Well now you have Yugi's complete trust, most of Yami's, and very bit of Atemu's trust." Ami sighed as he looks down.

"So I basically have to get Atemu full trust and Yami will give me his full trust if Atemu does. And my sweet Baby Boy I honestly don't deserve him but I'm happy I have him. Ugh and people say death is peaceful. Peaceful my ass" He said this he covers Sharik ears so the kitten doesn't hear him curse.

Dylan snickers and places her hand on his shoulder. "You need to control that lust and darkness now until Halloween Ami."

Ami pouts and sighs. "You say it like I have a choice. As long as Yami has my amulet I'm a spirit and I can't do anything." He looks down sadly. "And I was so close too." he whines.

Dylan sighs. "I can get you your amulet but you need to play it safe."

Ami pouts. "So no more soul collecting for me till Halloween....bummer." He laments but then smiles. "Hey sorry for being a dick early. Friends still?"
Dylan nods her head. "Always." He holds out his fist for her to bump. "Though I don't think Star and Seth will be so forgivig I have to earn their trust to don't I?" Dylan nods her head and bumps his fist.

"They haven't known you for long. I've known you since our deaths." Ami chuckles and nods. "Yeah guess we proved that one angel with a stick up his ass how wrong he is about us."

Dylan nods. "That cat it apart of Yugi. He didn't want you to be alone." She said as Ami smiles and gently kisses Sharik head. "I definitely appreciate the gift but I really miss all of them. I miss their hugs, their kisses, Hell I even miss Atemu's stupid snoring like a cow."

Dylan smiles. "Well in about an hour you should be better and when I give you your amulet you'll be able to touch them."

Ami nods and frowns. "While the five souls will do for now I really need the last three soon or even a few extra."

Dylan nods her head. "I can do them Ami. So they trust you more." Star and Seth appear. "We can help too. We don't trust you fully but we are friends." Star said softly as she rubs her bandaged forehead where she got cut when Ami threw her earlier and now has a

Dylan snickers. "Star that was your own fault. You should have known not to touch either of them when Ami went insane." Star shrugs "Well I alive still so what's a little cut. Though what's the plan now?"

Ami smiles as he strokes Sharik little head while playing with the tip of his tail.. "We continue with our original plan and finish collecting the eight original souls as well as a few extra just in case. Then we have to wait. However don't kill Anzu. Atemu is to deal with when he finally stops denying his darkness. Now go on and when you can touch base."

Seth and Star disappear as Ami sighed while stroking Sharik. Dylan looks at Ami. "I'll be back with your amulet." She said before snapping her fingers and disappearing.

Ami nods and looks into Sharik innocent eyes. "Promise you'll never tell a soul?" He asked softly as he nuzzles his little kitty. A distinct meow makes Ami smile as he sits down on a throne in the room and waits.

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