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Yugi looks terrified as he fell to the ground. He couldn't scream as he closes his eyes as the ground comes closer and fainted from fear. As Yugi was about to hit the ground a large dark fighter caught him as it swept upward with powerful wings.

Yugi groan softly and slowly opened his eyes and he gasps. "... Ami?" Ami smirks as his lavender crimson eyes sparkle. "The one and only Baby Boy with an all new design." His large powerful wings easily keep they both almost soaring.

Yugi smiles and wraps his arms around Ami's neck. "But we thought you died." Ami though a moment. "Well I did die but I refused to go. I have three mates who need me. I would never leave you, Atemu, or Yami." He gently nuzzles Yugi as he lands on the ground as three angels glare and shoot at him.

Ami smirks and summons a dark force field with his mind as two shadow panthers growl and attack the angels knocking them back the heaven.

Yugi looks shocked at the Panthers then back at Ami. "Yugi! Oh thank...... Ami......" Yami whispers as his silver wings carry him and Atemu to Ami and Yugi.

Yugi smiles at his lovers. "I'm okay. Though I don't think he was right to be an angel." Yugi said remembering the Angel's attitude. Ami chuckles darkly "Oh trust me Baby Boy as we speak he's falling to hell for his transgressions."

As Ami speaks a higher up angel appears and solemnly looks at them. "So you again denied that chance to die Ami. Why did you do this? Becoming a ultimate dark angel/demon means you have no place in either heaven or hell."

Yugi tilts his head innocently and in confusion. "What's a Dark Angel/Demon?" Yugi asks.

Yami blinks and he and Ami share a look. "It's a being who has rejected the chance to die but has ultimate power from tainted souls and a dark light and two light soul wishes. It's a taboo creature to angels and demon as they are a combination of the two and is never able to die yet also never able to reform in a new life."

Ami nods as he smiles. "Basically I'm confined to the Earth for eternity. My soul is trapped here in this body forever but as long as I can be with you three I don't care about anything else."

Yugi smiles before looking at the Angel. "Your other Angel tried to kill me. Why?" He asked. The head Angel sighed and frowned. "He got confused as your soul is pure however sadly you could not enter heaven before as you don't believe in us but rather in karma. And do not worry that angel has been punished."

Yugi nods his head. "Is... is grandpa there? He always spoke about a great God? " Yugi asks softly. The angel nods and smiles sadly at Yugi. "Yes he's doing well. Sadly he doesn't remember you, only those who can into heaven are remembered. I'm sorry little one."

Yugi frowns before smiling. "That's alright. I have my memories and grandpa is in the paradise he always wished to be in." Yugi said happily.

Little Yuugi flies down and smiles as he walks to them and Yami and Ami blink as they see his wings are darker and not pure white. "Heaven is ok but I want to be with my family. That's why me and Dark Yuugi combined and came back."

The head Angel looked at them with a head shake. "You are an odd group for sure but I wish you the best." He then disappears back to haven.
Yugi smiles and waves. "Please tell grandpa I said hi!" He yelled with a smile. The angel paused before he smiles and nods. "I'll tell him a special boy who meant a lot to him said hi and misses him. Good bye now."

Ami watches him leave as Sharik hold on his shoulder. "For an angel he's not that bad. His name's Mahana and he was the one who tried to help me cross over the first time but you how that ended... Woh!"

Ami and Yugi yells as he was still in Ami's arms and Ami was then tackled and hugged by Yami and Atemu. Atemu glares at Ami his darkness shadows flanking him. "If you fucking scare us like that again I'm gonna rip your wings off to shove them up you ass you hear me?" Tears fall as he hugs them tightly along with Yami.

Yugi pats Atemu's back softly. "Atemu we're okay...." Yami smiles as he kisses them all softly as his silver wings folded over as he hugs them tighter. Ami's half angel half demon wings wrap around the four of them protectively.

Yugi smiles before looking down at his costume. "Damnit! My costume is ripped up." Yugi pouts. Everyone looks at each other then laughs at Yugi's comment. Ami is laughing his ass off before he frowns. "Baby Boy you almost died, got kidnapped by an angel, and saved the world from my darkness. And your upset over a little ripped costume?....Ow Yami!"

Yami rolls his eyes as Ami as he waves a hand over Yugi's costume as it is repaired. "His mother made him that costume Ami so stop being an ass." Ami pouts as everyone else including Yugi chuckles.

Yugi giggles and shrugs his shoulders. "I like the costume. Oh I can't wait for what happens on Christmas." Yugi said. Ami and Yami share a look then laugh as Ami sets Yugi down and the two pull Yugi and Atemu into a hug as their wings flare out protectively. "Christmas may be calmer but then again Ami's a rebel so who knows.

Yugi hugs them and smiles. "Mmmm.... That's good because I don't want to destroy the Christmas tree." Yugi turned around to see his parents. Ami and Yami and Atemu share a panicked look. "Uh oh..." Atemu mutters.

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