#3, part three

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— What the fuck is that?— Lauren asked as she closed the door

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What the fuck is that?— Lauren asked as she closed the door. Emmeline looked around Lauren's room - the walls were painted on black. The ghostly posters of Marilyn Manson and Kurt Cobain hung on the walls. In the corner of the room was Manson's cardboard likeness; the singer had a black heart painted on his forehead.

— Cobain looks strange next to Manson — Emmeline murmured, and then she saw the bed. —Can I sit?

—Yes — Lauren agreed and frowned. —Now answer my question. What is this circus?

— No circus — Emmeline sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.— Only Larry's important mission to save the world.

— And probably Prince, too — Lauren snapped, and crossed her arms. —This fucking Larry is saving the world, but not in my house.

— You tell it to him — Emmeline rolled her eyes. — He's haunted.

—Prince must be delighted with your attitude — Lauren said sarcastically. — You came with them, and unlike them, you are pessimistic.

— And are you surprised that you are so weak in mathematics?— Emmeline said and frowned

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— And are you surprised that you are so weak in mathematics?— Emmeline said and frowned. —Mathematics requires logical thinking, and you ...

— Shut up, Nelson — Lauren snapped. —I see what's going on. Prince forced you to go with him through the homes of the rich and preach religious purlness.

— You got to the point — Emmeline smiled mockingly. — If you shine like that on mathematics ...

— One more word — Lauren said. —And you will leave my room. Not only you, but also your haunted companions.

—This decision belongs to your parents — Emmeline replied coldly. — Would you be willing to throw away guests?

—I'm not crazy to say that straight — Lauren snarled. —But I can make a scene that you will leave.

— You have nerve — Emmeline murmured. — Why did you ask me to come here?

I missed you — Lauren sneered.— Will this Larry talk and get out of here?

Growing up with Prince ║ Sequel to Journey to the past║Where stories live. Discover now