#4, part six

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— Why does my grandfather not let me play with this little girl?— Emmeline asked, sitting on Manuela's lap

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— Why does my grandfather not let me play with this little girl?— Emmeline asked, sitting on Manuela's lap. Manni, who was combing Emmeline's hair, replied:

— You can play with these children if you want. What do you think we'll have a secret?

Mystery?— Emmeline turned to Manuela. — What's the secret?

— Tomorrow your grandfather will be at the rehearsal of the band — Manni whispered. — Mr. Jackson too. His children will be with nanny and then we'll go ask if Prince and Paris want to play with you.

— Prince and Paris — Emmeline widened eyes in surprise. — The name of Mr. Jackson's son is the same as my grandfather's.

— Yes — Manni said, and smiled broadly. — Mr. Jackson has one more son. The boy's name is Blanket.

— A strange name — Emmeline said. — Did Paris get her name because Mr. Jackson loves the city Paris?

— I do not know — Manni chuckled. — Just one note, honey. Your grandfather can not know about our secret. Can you promise me that?

— Yes — Emmeline nodded eagerly. — That will be our sweet secret, Manni.

— Beloved child — Manni smiled broadly and hugged Emmeline.

— Manni?— Emmeline asked, and the woman lifted eyebrow. — Why does not my grandfather like Mr. Jackson?

—Where did the idea that your grandfather did not like him?— Manni looked intently at Emi.

It shows — Emmeline said. — Grandpa does not like Mr. Jackson, but I do not know why.

—It's adult's affairs— Manni explained gently. —Do not think about it. Adult's life is complicated.


Prince had the final preparations before the concert at Wembley. He and his team worked hard from early dawn.

Manuela and Emmeline were sitting by the kitchenette and eating breakfast.

—Manni — Emmeline began, stirring spoon in the porridge. — Can I ask you something?

— Of course — Manni replied, drinking coffee. — Ask me boldly.

— You said that nanny is with Mr. Jackson's children when he is absent — Emmeline said and looked at the woman. —Then where is their mother? She should look after them, not a nanny.

Manuela widened eyes in amazement. She took a deep breath and touched Emmeline's hand:

— Honey, when we're there, you must not ask about it.

—But why — Emmeline began, but Manni interrupted her firmly:

It's not our business. This is the private life of Mr. Jackson and his children. I forbid you to ask for such things. Do you understand?

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