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Author's Note: Hey readers! I hope you enjoy this new book I'm working on. Please note that I may be pressing pause on my other books to focus on this one but I will occasionly add to them. Anyways, please enjoy!


Deadlock slowly opened his crystal blue optics as he raised his head off of the ground. He gently placed his servo down for support as he steadied his pedes on the cold, metal surface. Behind him, there were hundreds of car-shaped Cybertronians driving along the street, trying to reach their destination. Wherever it was. Ahead, he could see two exhausted mini-cons cleaning his katana and wakisashi.

Deadlock slowly approached the mini-cons, they jumped and dropped the weapons that they had been cleaning. They glistened in the starlight, they had done a good job. They felt his inner praise and smiled at each other, then quickly rushed to collect the weapons in order to show their mentor.

"Are my blades properly cleansed?" Deadlock asked as they hurried to his pedes.

"Yes, Deadlock," they replied in unison while holding out the weapons. They were orange and grey, just like him. The blades were especially designed for him so he cared for them. However, for some strange reason, he cared more about the mini-cons. Why would he care about his mentor's slaves?

Suddenly, he felt a clawed servo reach out and grab his shoulder plate. Deadlock shivered. Then he noticed the mini-cons bow, that's when he realised who it was.

It was his mentor. Shadow Raker.

"Slipstream, Jetstorm, prepare a cube for my pupil and I. He needs some energon after today's training," Shadow Raker ordered. The mini-cons bowed again before running off into the gloomy, dark dojo.

Deadlock enjoyed having the Insecticon as his mentor ever since he began training. Without him, he would still be on the streets fending for himself. His teacher was a thin purple and black figure who carried two blades around with him as he believes that two weapons are better than one. Shadow Raker took him in as his pupil as he did his mini-cons. However, because they were mini-cons, they became his slaves.

Deadlock didn't like the idea of Jetstorm and Slipstream serving as slaves. Before he met them, he assumed that mini-cons worked with the bigger Cybertronians but instead they work for them. Mini-cons are no different to him and his mentor, so why were they treated so differently?

The mini-cons arrived at their pedes with energon cubes in their arms, Shadow Raker snatched the crystal blue cubes from their servos and gracefully passed one over to his student. Deadlock accepted it and hid a slight nod towards the pair. They once again felt the accomplishment in completing their task and smiled happily. Deadlock enjoyed giving them this feeling as it cheers them up and makes them feel important. That made him feel important.

For the second time, why did he care so much about the mini-cons? They were only slaves and stood five feet below them. Was it because of that? Because they were slaves? Because they could be so much more than what they already were? Deadlock didn't know.

He turned his attention back to his mentor as he allowed the energon to flow slowly down his throat, savouring each drop. It felt good to get some fresh energon into his system, especially after the pain he endured during training. His master was doing the same, before he lowered the cube from the his mouth and threw at the black mini-con. Jetstorm yelped as the cube grazed his faceplate before falling into his servos. He bowed then stumbled back into the building to dispose the cube.

"You performed well, Deadlock. However, you should never be afraid to engage the enermy from a closer approach. Staying back will only get you so far, it will also reveal your fear," Shadow Raker advised with a smile.

Deadlock nodded before finishing his cube and gently handed it to Slipstream. He smiled lightly before running back into the building to join his partner.

"I will improve my performance next time," Deadlock assured his mentor.

"I know you will. Now get some rest, you will train again in the morning." Shadow Raker rotated his pedes before walking away from Deadlock. Then he was stopped by the word of his pupil.

"When will you begin teaching Jetstorm and Slipstream how to fight, or at least defend themselves?"

Shadow Raker glared at Deadlock as he urged closer to him. He forced his servo on to his shoulder plate causing his pupil to flinch.

"I have told you many times, Deadlock. Those mini-cons are lucky to have me to protect them from the wretched Autobots and fellow Decepticons who may wish to do them harm. Besides, we both know that they would be as good as scrap on the battlefield." Shadow Raker softened his tone, but it didn't make Deadlock feel any better. "There is a war going on. Those bots who are properly prepared can handle themselves in the fight. But there are some that will never be prepared. Unfortunately, our mini-cons fall under that category."

Shadow Raker turned around and walked back into the building. Deadlock knew that the best thing to do was follow him. So that's what he did.


Deadlock laid down on his rock-hard berth which was usually surprisingly comfortable, but tonight it wasn't.

"They would be as good as scrap on the battlefield."

"There are some that will never be prepared."

"Our mini-cons fall under that category."

Those words flowed painfully through his processor. He hated it. He hated being a superior to the defenceless mini-cons. They could stand a chance if Shadow Raker taught them to fight as he had taught him. Saying that they are his mini-cons made it sound like he cares about them, but the opposite is true.

He did not care about his mini-cons.

He did not care about Jetstorm and Slipstream.

Suddenly, Deadlock heard a crash on the other side of his door. Panic swelled inside of his spark.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of my new book. Please feel free to leave a comment to help improve my book or suggest ideas for a future one.

Starburst out.

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