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The Femme Autobot Bounty Hunter stood infront of the ship with her blades out infront of her, ready to attack. Deadlock ran over to her followed by the mini-cons, he crouched down to protect them.

She was a pink Autobot with white detailing, her vehicle mode appeared to be a muscle car by the wheels on her shoulders and feet.

Deadlock didn't know what to do. Which was worse? Being captured by their mentor or being captured by a bounty hunter and probably sold back to their mentor, or worse...

"Don't move, Decepticons," she ordered. They followed her command and remained still.

Deadlock gazed at the mini-cons. Both looked terrified. He knew what he had to do. He stood up straight and placed his servos in the air. No one was going to touch the mini-cons.

"Please, do not hurt them. Do whatever you must to me, but not them. They were forced into every crime."

The bounty hunter lowered her swords with confusion. She had never captured Decepticons so easily, it felt strange to her.

"Wow... I've never captured Decepticons like you before," she stated.

"But we have the symbol. We rule with Megatron. And you are... letting us go?" Deadlock asked.

"All Decepticons I've captured would have fort me by now but... you didn't. You jumped straight in to protect those mini-cons. You're not like the other bounties," she explained. "I'm Galaxia, one of Cybertron's most faithful bounty hunters."

"I am Deadlock as you may already know by my records." Galaxia nodded. "And this is Jetstorm and Slipstream."

Both mini-cons waved.

"Galaxia, if you don't mind my asking, who placed a bounty on us?" Jetstorm asked.

"Some mech named Shadow Raker, only a few hours ago in fact. He was lucky I was on Luna 1 anyway to resupply on energon," Galaxia replied.

All three gasped. How could Shadow Raker place a bounty on them if he was in prison. Unless he wasn't in prison and had escaped. But there was no proof, he couldn't have done it so fast. Even with his intelligence.

"Incoming Transmission," the Starship said. The mini-cons met optics before running onto the ship. Deadlock motioned Galaxia to come on board.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because Autobots are not evil."


Jetstorm accessed the monitor and audio bars appeared flat. Before beginning to form into a figure.

"The transmission is from Skybird," Jetstorm stated.

"Skybird?" Slipstream ran over happily.

"Hey guys. Didn't think I'd be calling in so soon," she noticed Galaxia. "Why didn't you introduce me, Slipstream?"

Slipstream stuttered. Jetstorm couldn't help but smirk. "We did not know her before you, this is Galaxia."

"So why are you calling?" Deadlock asked.

"I thought you'd be interested in this..."

Skybird showed them a news story, it read, "The Decepticon Master and Deployer known as Shadow Raker has escaped from Kaon City Prison. He was last seen stealing a Starship and flying towards Luna 1. Saying that he will reclaim what was his. However it is unclear of what it is. This fugitive will be hunted down again and put in statis. Please be on watch for this Insecticon."

Jetstorm's smiled turned to fear as his legs fell under him. Muttering words. Slipstream gasped then knelt down beside his friend, arms wrapped around him.

"He is back... He is back..." He kept repeating.

Out of all who worked for Shadow Raker, Jetstorm had the hardest time. Deadlock couldn't even imagine how the young mini-con was feeling. Knowing that his life could go back to the way it was, and potentially kill him.

"Shadow Raker is not getting his bounty, I assure you," Galaxia told them.

"Yes, and we will escape him. Do not worry," Slipstream added before hugging his partner, Jetstorm enhaled then exhaled slowly, before standing up and returning to his post with a smile.

"We need to leave now," Deadlock ordered.

"Skybird, are you sure you do not want to come us?" Slipstream asked.

"Sorry, Slipstream. Somebot needs to keep an eye on things here. If you leave the atmosphere you won't pick up any global radio waves so you won't know what's going on. I'll keep in contact to let you know if anything changes with Shadow Raker. Skybird out." Her protoform dissapeared.

Galaxia turned to the exit hatch. "I guess I should be going."

Deadlock ran infront of her swiftly. Focused on stopping her.

"Galaxia, I would be honoured if you joined us." He held out his servo.

"Why me?" she asked.

"Because you are faithful, and a brilliant fighter, you should come with us, but only if you accept it."

Galaxia looked behind her, then behind Deadlock. There, both mini-cons were standing there with hopeful faceplates. Then she gazed into Deadlock's optics, which seemed kind and compassionate. How could she refuse?

She accepted his servo. "I've always wanted to explore the Universe."

Deadlock smiled then turned to Slipstream. "Take us up."

Slipstream nodded then took control of the Starship. It's engines roared before the energon began to burst out of the boosters. Then slowly, the ship began to hover in the air before shooting off into the sky.

They had finally done it...

They had finally escaped.

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