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The guards ran in as they grabbed Shadow Raker. The Insecticon tried to break free of their grasp but was unsuccessful. He growled at his Mini-cons as the guards dragged him away.

"I will be back," he told Jetstorm and Slipstream. "And I will reclaim what's mine."

Jetstorm gave Slipstream a frightened look as the guards took him away. He was definitely getting placed in stasis for this, but they didn't want to transport him so they took him to a stationary stasis chamber.

Skybird ran over to Slipstream and tackled him with a hug, he obviously hugged her back. Wildstreak and Eclipse began celebrating as their enermy was defeated.

Drift walked over with a limping Galaxia, the Buzzsaw had been able to patch her up, allowing her to return to duty. They all cheered as she was on her pedes again.

"Thank you, Skybird," she said to her Mini-con. The Buzzsaw smiled with a small nod.

Eclipse smiled as she tackled Skybird in a hug. The two giggled as they fell on the floor whilst they wrapped their arms around each other.

Skybird got up then looked at Eclipse. "Wait a nanosec, how did you even get here?"

"Would you believe that I stowed away on your ship and hid outside during the trial?" she asked with a smirk.

Wildstreak gasped. "What about the trial?"

They all looked at each other in confusion and slight panic before seeing the guards walk in, accompanied by the judge.

He approached Drift with a stern look. "Drift, you and your Buzzsaw Mini-cons, Jetstorm and Slipstream, have proven your true intentions and have thus shown that you are innocent. There is no need to continue the trial or commence Shadow Raker's."

"Thank you." Drift bowed to the judge then looked back at his Mini-cons with a smile. The pair smiled with him as they nodded. They wanted to cheer and celebrate but they knew that it wasn't the best idea with the judge right there.

They were officially Autobots.

They were free.

Suddenly, a police officer walked in. He was a Mini-con accompanied by two other full-size officers.

"I am Detective Dropforge," he told them. "And I have some excellent news."

"What is it?" Skybird asked as she stepped closer.

He smiled before speaking. "After the invasion, we began to rescue the Mini-cons who were captured. And I'm pleased to report that we have rescued enough to finally go back home."

Wildstreak's optics widened. "You're taking Mini-cons back home?"

He nodded. "Yes, and the prison was my last stop. I'm taking all innocent Mini-cons back to Luna 1 to begin rebuilding it. I can bring you guys home within the hour."

Eclipse smiled before turning to the team. "I'm glad I could assist in the fight against Shadow Raker. But I'm going home to rebuild what the Decepticons destroyed."

Drift nodded. He understood that this was what she wanted, so he allowed it.

"But if you ever need me, you know where to find me," she said as she looked at Skybird.

"In the shadows," she said with a nod.

Eclipse smiled as she reversed over to Dropforge.

He turned to Jetstorm and Slipstream, they shook their helms. Luna 1 wasn't their true home, it wasn't where they wanted to be.

They wanted to stay with Drift. The samarai nodded.

He finally looked at Skybird and Wildstreak. "Well you two, are you going to stay here, or go home?"

Galaxia looked over at them as her optics widened a little.

What do you think they'll do? Stay or go?

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