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The first mini-con used his arms to push himself off of the ground and landed on Deadlock's helm. The Decepticon stumbled back as he tried to knock the torpedo off.

The second one scurried over to the buzzsaws and attempted to strike them. Slipstream grabbed a loose pipe then jumped in front of Jetstorm to block the attack.

Deadlock succeeded in ridding himself of the mini-con, who transformed to fly into him when he was interrupted by an announcement from the pilot...

"Greetings, Deadlock and mini-cons. I am Fracture. And I would like to inform you that this ship is being redirected back to Cybertron. In the mean time, my protèjès will take you to the prison cells. We'll arrive at Cybertron in thirty-six hours. See you then."

The mini-cons grabbed Jetstorm and Slipstream then forced statis cuffs onto their servos. Deadlock growled before accepting this punishment.


Galaxia still sat against the controls as Fracture finished his announcement. She was still paralysed by the patch and couldn't say anything to her rival. At least that's what she thought...

"So, Galaxia, you never answered my question." He knelt down to her and stared into her optics. "Why are you here?"

She gave him a blank look.

He's clearly stupid.

He smirked before tapping her paralytic patch so she could speak. Yet she mouth did not open.

"I guess I'll just have to lock you up with the criminals. Unless you have a good excuse..."

Finally, she allowed words to slip from her mouth. "I was pretending to work with them, earn their trust. My plan was to take control of the ship myself then turn it around during their sleep. You just beat me to it."

Fracture chuckled then held her cranial case. "If you want, we can deliver the bounty together and share the reward."

"Since when do you share?"

"Since I found a magnificent, strong and tough Bounty Hunter who thinks like me," he released her from his grip. "What'd you say?"

Galaxia thought long and hard. She knew that she was violating every rule she was ever taught during her training by working with Deadlock. Delivering the bounty would be the right thing to do, but she couldn't betray him and the mini-cons. However, she couldn't loose her position as a Bounty Hunter and as an Autobot.

A billion questions were zooming through her processor.

Should I do it?

Should I fight him?

Should I just sit here and accept my fate?


"Fracture." He turned his helm to her. "I'll do it. I'm with you."

"I knew I could count on you. Reliable as always."

But she didn't feel so reliable.

Fracture released her from the stasis cuffs then handed over her blades. She was finding it extremely difficult to resist stabbing him in the chest. But after making this deal, she couldn't.

She thought again, then decided to try her original plan. Capture the intruder. She grabbed her blade. Stepped forward, but before she could strike, he turned around and she was forced to hide her blade behind her back.

"I've just received a message from Divebomb. The prisoners are in their rightful place."

"Which is...?" she asked, trying to sound like she was with him.

"Where else? The cells."

Galaxia's optics widened. She then smirked to try and cover it up. "I didn't know there were cells on this ship."

He scoffed. "Please. This Starship used to belong to a Decepticon who was known for capturing others. Why wouldn't he have cells on his ship?"



Slipstream didn't know how, but the tiny mini-cons managed to guide their protector into the cell. Despite the fact that he had two swords and pedes that could squash them in one go. Maybe he was afraid of them hurting the mini-cons. That made the most sense.

On the other hand, Slipstream and Jetstorm were not so cooperative. They were constantly pushing and shoving their captors in an attempt to escape. But they weren't strong enough.

Suddenly, Fracture walked through the hatch, followed by Galaxia. They all gasped. Even the mini-cons were surprised. Seeing an Autobot work with a Decepticon.

But was it that rare? Galaxia was just working with three Decepticons. Anything can happen.

"Boss! Watch out!" Airazor yelled.

"Behind you!" Divebomb added.

"Stand down you two. She's with me." He grabbed her arm so she was forced to smile. Not wanting to blow her cover.

Deadlock peered through the bars and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Galaxia. Why?"

The Autobot approached him, she stared into his optics.

"I'm an Autobot, Deadlock. Which is something you will never be. It's bots like you that are ruining Cybertron. You're not the first Decepticon to want to change sides, but once we've allowed it, they betrayed us. What makes you any different?"

Deadlock opened his mouth but no words could answer such a question, especially for the one who was asking.

"I knew it. I'm just doing my job, Deadlock. Except it."

Fracture chuckled then placed his hand on her back. She hated it. She hated being so mean. However, it was too risky to say anything else or apologise.

Deadlock glared at her, he couldn't believe what he had just heard. The mini-cons were leaning against each other in the corner, frightened.

Fracture, on the other hand, was pleased with his new partner. Before hearing this he wasn't actually going to split the money with her, but after hearing this...

...he started to like her.

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