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Author's Note: I can't believe it! 500 reads! Thanks so much for the support over these past few months, I didn't think this many people would read it. Also I've changed the way I write for Drift, Jetstorm and Slipstream because I've read through a few of my chapters and noticed how it's affected my story and I've done this for Lost Sparks too.

Starburst out.


"Okay, Jetstorm, you need balance in order to execute this move with your nun-chucks," Drift explained as Jetstorm steadied himself after tripping over his weapon.

"Yes, Master Drift." He took his nun-chucks back from Drift then tried the same move. He swung his nun-chucks and tried to strike Drift again but without warning, the chains grew longer and Jetstorm hit his helm with them. He dropped the weapon and began rubbing his helm. It was the third time this had happened, that or him tripping over the chain.

Drift picked up the nun-chucks and once again handed them to Jetstorm. "You need to learn to control the chains, if you don't then these will be more of a threat to you than you're opponent." Jetstorm nodded then held his helm low. He felt he had messed up too many times.

Meanwhile, Slipstream was sitting in a chair on the bridge, controlling the ship. While Galaxia preferred to use a yoke, he preferred to use keyboard and monitors. The female bounty hunter was watching the radar in Jetstorm's place while he was training. She wouldn't take her optics off of the screen until she found Rage's signal.

Galaxia pounded her keyboard. "This is taking too long!" Jetstorm and Drift stopped and walked over to her. Slipstream also turned his chair to face the femme. "We've been searching for days and no luck! Soon we'll have to return to Luna 1 for more energon."

"We'll find him," Jetstorm assured her. "Why don't I take over on radar duty while you get some rest. I promise I'll alert you as soon as I see something."

Unassured, Galaxia moved away from the monitor and allowed Jetstorm to take her place. She then approached Slipstream to check his wound. She gently placed her digit on the welding marks and smiled a bit. "At least Slipstream has fully healed, now he can start training."

"Finally," the mini-con also smiled as he spoke.

"We'll begin immidiently," Drift told him.

Jetstorm looked at the front window and gasped. "Umm... Slipstream?"

"What is it?" Slipstream looked to his partner who just pointed at the window. Slipstream turned around and gasped. It was an escape pod, and it was heading towards them. "Hold on!" He dodged the pod but the Starship tilted to the left causing Jetstorm to fall over while Drift and Galaxia grabbed onto the open hatch as Slipstream lost control of the ship after he also fell.

"Wait, look! The radar!" Galaxia yelled after seeing a life signal appear on the radar. It was the bot in the escape pod.

She climbed over to the screen and saw that it was Rage's signal. He was the one in the escape pod. The Bounty Hunter grabbed the yoke and took control of the Starship again. Steering it towards the pod.

"Drift! Deploy grapples!" she ordered. Drift ran over to the control console and pushed two buttons. The grapples were deployed and instantly caught the pod. "Bring it aboard." The Decepticon nodded and reeled in the grapples. Allowing the pod to enter from underneath.

Drift ran to the side to help the mini-cons up. "You two keep control of the ship. We'll investigate this pod."

"Yes, Master Drift," they both replied as they bowed then ran back to their stations.

"Let's go," Galaxia smiled. Drift nodded with a smile before they both grabbed their blades and ran through the hatch towards the entrance room.


The entered the entrance room with caution because Rage was knocking violently on the metal from the inside.
Drift looked at a cabinet which had statis cuffs on it so he pointed at them so Galaxia would know what to do without giving away their plan. The Bounty Hunter nodded then ran to grab them.

Carefully, Drift opened the escape pod to reveal the Decepticon. He was red with green detailings. Rage looked really scared.

"I come in peace!" He yelled with his servos in the air.

"Yeah, buddy." She placed the cuffs on him. "Nice try."

He didn't resist but did continue panicing. "Please! You don't understand! A Decepticon is after me!"

Galaxia and Drift shared a confused look. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

Just before Rage could answer, he was interrupted by an announcement.

"Slipstream to Galaxia and Drift, we have an urgent call from Luna 1."

"On our way," Drift replied through the comm. Galaxia grabbed Rage by the cuffs and began dragging him towards the prison cells while Drift ran ahead to meet the mini-cons.


He ran through the hatch to see the screen and it was a big surprise to him and the rest of his team.

It was Skybird.

"Skybird to Decepticon Starship do you read me?"

"We read you loud and clear," Drift replied.

"Skybird! It's so good to hear your voice again." Slipstream pulled himself closer to the screen causing Jetstorm to giggle.

"Slipstream? Oh, wow, it's been days!" she replied. "But I'm afraid that's not why I'm calling."

"Is something wrong?" Jetstorm asked.

"Yes, Luna 1 is finally being invaded by the Decepticons." The three gasped. "The mini-cons are being captured and forced to fight for the Decepticons."

"Are you unharmed?" Drift asked.

"Yes, I'm okay for now. Me and my best friend are taking shelter in her basement. The Decepticons haven't searched this place yet but there's a secret compartment dug into the wall so we can hide there if it does get searched."

"Your best friend?" Slipstream asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, her name's Wildstreak, the two of us have been friends since we were sparklings," Skybird replied. Slipstream let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey," Wildstreak greeted through Skybird's comm. "Oh no. Skybird they're here!"

"Skybird, go into hiding then send us your coordinates and we'll pick you and Wildstreak up immidiently," Drift ordered.

"Thanks, Deadlock, you're a lifesaver. Got to go now. Skybird out."

The screen dissapeared back into the projector. Drift didn't like the fact that Skybird called her Deadlock, but he didn't blame her because she didn't know of his name change. But that didn't matter right now. Now they had to reach Luna 1, before Skybird and Wildstreak get found and captured.

"Set a course for Luna 1." 

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