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Drift stood in stance with Slipstream, Skybird and Wildstreak by his side. The judge and jury had already evacuated and the guards were on their way, starting with the ones that Jetstorm and Eclipse had freed.

Galaxia laid in a pool of her own energon as she tried her best to stop the leak, but nothing was successful. She knew she was done for.

Drift looked at Skybird and Wildstreak, he had to get them over to Galaxia, and there was only one way to do so.

Deploy them.

He held out his arms as Slipstream stepped back. "You two must trust me," he told them. "It's the only way to save your master."

The two femme Buzzsaws looked at each other before transforming and landing on Drift's arms. He aimed then undeployed them one at a time, Wildstreak before Skybird.

Shadow Raker stood in the way only to be knocked over by Wildstreak, pinning him to the ground, the Mini-con then transformed and jumped off of him. Skybird flew past him then landed next to Galaxia. The Bounty Hunter began to move but was soon stopped.

"Don't move, Galaxia, I'll do my best to fix you," Skybird assured her.

Shadow Raker stood up then kicked Wildstreak in Drift's direction. The Mini-con was forced in the air slightly but was luckily saved by Slipstream who jumped in the way and caught her, she stumbled a little before standing up straight.

"You okay?" Slipstream asked.

"All good," Wildstreak replied.

Shadow Raker pulled out his blade. "I'm going to make you regret the day you betrayed me you worthless excuse for a Decepticon."

Drift looked around, he needed a weapon, any kind of weapon, but the others weren't back yet. He looked down at Slipstream and Wildstreak which gave him an idea.

"Both of you, undeploy," he said as he held out his arms.

The two had never undeployed together before. It was always Slipstream and Jetstorm, Skybird and Wildstreak. They had to trust both each other and Drift in order to succeed.

They gave each other a confident nod before jumping up and transforming into two disks, one red, the other purple. They then landed safely on Drift's forearms.

The Decepticon aimed them at Shadow Raker before deploying them, Slipstream then Wildstreak.

Slipstream transformed then punched Shadow Raker in the faceplate, Wildstreak stayed in her alt-mode as she crashed into him. Both attacks were successful.

Drift knew that this could work, he had something that Shadow Raker didn't.


He held out his forearms again, ready to try the same attack. "Slipstream, Wildstreak, return to me!"

Wildstreak transformed to bot-mode then ran towards Drift. Slipstream tried to do the same but was stopped by Shadow Raker. He let out a yell as the Insecticon held him in place using his pede. Slipstream tried to break free but he wasn't strong enough.

"Slipstream!" Drift yelled in worry as Wildstreak glared.

Skybird heard their cries as she diverted her attention to the fight. "Slipstream," she said with a worried voice. If she had her bow then she could have done something, but she didn't.

Drift looked around, he hoped that someone would burst through the door with a solution as Eclipse had done beforehand.

But nothing happened.

Shadow Raker took his pede off of the Mini-con then grabbed his neckcables using his servo before lifting him high enough to use his sword. He then pointed it towards Slipstream. The Buzzsaw growled as he tried escape from his grasp.

"First, I'll take care of this one. Then his partner, then the femmes, then the Bounty Hunter and finally you," Shadow Raker told Drift. "I want you to witness the death of your friends before you join them."

Drift gritted his dentas as he tried to come up with a plan. He saw the fear in his pupil's optics. Slipstream was truly afraid.

"You're not going to hurt him!"

"Wanna bet?" Shadow Raker got ready to strike. He turned his helm to face the red Mini-con. "Any last words?"

Slipstream didn't say anything, his mouth wouldn't move. Even if it did, he wouldn't know what to say.

"I've got some!"

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