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They didn't know what to do. Stay with their new team, their new deployer and friends or go back home to rebuild what was destroyed and find old friends and family. It was a tough decision.

"She will go."

The Mini-con felt a servo on her shoulderplate. It was Slipstream. She turned to face him.

"B-but, why?" she asked him hesitantly.

"Because it is your home, and your place is there," he told her with a warm smile.

"W-what about you?" she asked.

"My home will never be Luna 1," he replied. "My place is with my Master and partner, as long as we are together, I am home." He gave her a warm smile. This was where he wanted to be.

A few tears formed in her optics as she looked back at Wildstreak. The Mini-con took a step closer.

"Let's go home," she smiled. Skybird nodded  as she wiped her optics. They both knew that they were making the right call to go and help other Mini-cons.

The two femmes walked over to Galaxia, hoping for guidance. She knelt down to them, the Bounty Hunter knew what she had to do.

"Go home, it will be okay," she smiled. They nodded as they bowed. It was an answer that they weren't expecting, but they accepted.

They both grabbed their weapons and held them out for her. "Keep them, and use your training to protect others, make a difference on Luna 1."

"Thank you, Galaxia, for everything," Skybird smiled as tears began flowing down her faceplate again.

"If you ever need us, just call. We will always be there," Wildstreak added.

"Don't worry, I will," she told them.

They both nodded one more time before walking over to Drift, they bowed in respect. Skybird then walked over to Slipstream and hugged him. Wildstreak shook Jetstorm's servo.

Dropforge led Eclipse onto the ship and signalled to the Mini-cons that it was time to go.

Wildstreak looked at the team before walking onto the ship, she waited by the entrance for her friend.

Skybird slowly let go of Slipstream. "I'll see you around."

"Yes," he nodded before letting her go. She then slowly climbed into the ship.

Jetstorm walked over to Slipstream and placed a servo on his shoulderplate with a smile.

They were glad to have made some wonderful friends from their old home, they were trustworthy, loyal, kind, determined, and it was hard to say goodbye to them.

All of a sudden, Skybird ran back over to him, Wildstreak tried to stop her but couldn't.

The Mini-con blushed with a smile before kissing him on the lips. He was surprised but was then able to kiss her back. The two remained like that for a few seconds.

Both Jetstorm and Wildstreak gasped when they saw that. It was truly wonderful.

"It's about time," Wildstreak mumbled with a smile. She heard the ship's engine start so she looked at Skybird. "Time to go, Birdie!"

Skybird pulled away then looked up at Slipstream. "Keep in touch."

"I will," the Buzzsaw replied with a small smile.

Happily, the Buzzsaw nodded to him before walking back onto the ship and closing the entrance. The two stood by the window and waved to the team as they slowly ascended out of sight.

They were going home.

Drift looked over at Galaxia who had a smile on her faceplate. "Is it not sad to say goodbye to your Mini-cons?"

She kept her optics planted on the sky. "Yes, it does, but as a deployer you must consider what is best for your Mini-cons, and those two belong on Luna 1," she looked at him, "That is why I let them go."

He nodded to her, she had become a respectful deployer, Skybird and Wildstreak were lucky to have her.

Jetstorm and Slipstream walked over and bowed.

"Master Drift," Jetstorm began. "We have defeated Shadow Raker, become Autobots and Luna 1 is going to be restored. Our journey is complete, what will we do now?"

The Autobot knelt down to his Mini-cons as he glanced at Galaxia. "Now, we will choose an honorable path, we will do what Galaxia did for us, we will bring in Decepticons and give them a chance to explain their actions in a fair court of law. We will give those who had good intentions a chance to change."

The pair smiled with a nod. "It would be an honour," Slipstream said as he bowed again.

"And you can use the rest of the shanix to upgrade your ship, get it repainted and have the signal changed from Decepticon to Autobot," Galaxia told him with a smile.

Drift nodded as he turned to face her. "Will you come with us?"

The Bounty Hunter sighed as looked down a little, she then looked back up at him, she couldn't lie to Drift, not after everything they've been through.

"Sorry, Drift, but I have another call, my next Bounty is on Velocitron and is known for moving around, I need to go and retrieve my ship then catch him," she told him.

Drift's optics widened. "All this time you have had a ship?"

Galaxia rolled her optics with a smile. "I don't live on Luna 1, Drift, how do you think I got there? I just cloaked it."

Drift sighed in annoyance, the whole time they could have travelled in an Autobot ship, but instead they had to make do with the one that they stole.

Respectfully, she bowed to Drift before taking a few steps back, ready to transform and drive away. However, Jetstorm ran over to her with a small smile.

"Galaxia, thank you for keeping your promise," he told her.

She knelt down to him. "Of course, Jetstorm, you three are too good for him," she smiled before standing back up and looking at the three. "Thank you, for everything."

Drift gave her a smile as he nodded. He was extremely grateful to her, they would have never completed their journey without her.

At that moment, Galaxia smiled as she transformed and drove away, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

Drift smiled as he watched her go. He knew in his spark that he would see her again.

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