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Cadet, Jetstorm and Eclipse immidiently left the hall to find their weapons. A short time later, they noticed two figures who appeared to be on their knees in the corridor.

Cadet took a closer look at the two bots and noticed that they were the two guards who were guarding Shadow Raker, they both had stasis cuffs on their servos and paralytic patches on their shoulder plates.

The Autobot suddenly ran over to them followed by the two Mini-cons, he then began to question them as Jetstorm and Eclipse worked to set them free.

"How did this happen?" Cadet asked them.

Jetstorm removed the paralytic patch from one of the officers so that he could answer.

"Shadow Raker managed to escape the cuffs, then he used the equiptment that we were carrying to hold us here," he explained. "Everyone was at the trial so no one found us, and we were too far away to sound the alarm."

Eclispe removed their stasis cuffs. "Well, the Decepticon is in the main hall fighting the Con who was on trial. He's already taken down one of the witnesses."

"Yes," Cadet added. "You should go to the main hall and assist in the fight," he told them.

They both stood up after having the stasis cuffs and the paralytic patches removed. Then they noticed the Decepticon symbol on Jetstorm's chestplate.

"You should in custody," the second guard said as he stepped forward with a pair of stasis cuffs.

Jetstorm stumbled back in fear, if he was back in the cells then they wouldn't be able to get the weapons.

All of a sudden, Eclispe jumped in front of him with her bow as she stood in stance. "Seriously, he's not gonna do anything! Now go and help them!" she ordered.

The guards stepped back a little as they looked at the small torpedo, then they nodded before running towards the main hall.

Jetstorm sighed in relief. "Thank you, Eclispe."

She placed her bow staff back on her back. "You're welcome, if you're a friend of Skybird's then I'll stand by you," she smiled before turning back to Cadet. "So where are those weapons?"

The Cadet nodded whilst he turned a corner.

Once they did, they noticed that the lasers that were keeping the prisoners in their cells were malfunctioning. A chill ran through their protoforms as they watched the Decepticons attempt to get free.

"What do we do?" Jetstorm asked as he and Eclipse looked up at Cadet, so to speak.

"We'll just have to hope that the cells don't open whilst we're still here," he told them nervously. "And I'll leave a message telling the guards that there could be a possible break out shortly."

"Good idea," Eclispe said as she kept a servo on her bow, she wasn't taking any chances. Jetstorm gulped before taking the first step into the cell block. He knew he had to go fast, but the fear inside was forcing him to slow down. Cadet closely followed behind the two Mini-cons.

They watched the cell bars flicker on and off as the prisoners tried to escape each time but never being successful. The trio had their servos in front of their faceplates in stance in case they needed to fight.

The prisoners were yelling at the top of their voice modulators which caused some annoyance, but Cadet had learned to deal with it. Jetstorm and Eclipse moved away from the cells as some of the Cons began reaching for them as if they were energon cubes.

They were close to the exit, once they were through they knew that they would be okay.  Just as they were about to pass though, the alarm sounded, causing them to flinch as they turned back to face the block.

"What was that?!" Eclipse yelled over the alarm.

"It's the prison alarm," Cadet replied. "It means that there's something wrong!"

All of a sudden, Eclipse heard the cells completely deactivate as the ground began shaking slightly. She knew exactly what it was...

...It was a prison break.

They all looked around frantically, there were way too many prisoners for them to take by themselves, especially without their best weapons.

Cadet stepped back so that he was out of the prison block. "You two, over here!" he yelled to the Mini-cons as he noticed the door. The two looked back before following him through, allowing Cadet to force the door shut.

They sighed in relief before Eclipse turned back to face the cells. "Great, so now we'll have to get through that to get back," she sighed.

Cadet panted a little. "Don't worry, there's a way around the cell block," he told them. "But it will take a little longer then going straight through."

"Honestly, I believe that going straight through will be the longest option now," Jetstorm said as he pointed at the door.

"You're right. Follow me," Cadet ordered before walking away. The two Mini-cons followed closely.


They reached the safe and Cadet typed in the code to open it. Once they were inside, they noticed that there were shelves stacked with weapons that had been confiscated from prisoners.

"So...what weapons are we looking for?" Cadet asked them.

Eclispe shrugged. Jetstorm looked around.

"Master Drift uses the katana and wakizahsi, Slipstream uses the naginata and I use the nun-chucks," he explained.

Cadet began searching for the weapons as Eclipse turned to the Buzzsaw.

"You're a samarai?" she asked curiously as she placed a servo on her hip.

"Not really, our master is, but Slipstream and I are still in training," he replied only to get a nod from the Torpedo. "You know, it's wierd working with you. Buzzsaws and Torpedoes have always been rivals."

"To be honest, I had no idea that you were a Buzzsaw until just now but...I don't care, we're both Mini-cons aren't we?"

Jetstorm was about to reply before Cadet walked over with a tray. He lowered it down to the Mini-cons height, inside was their weapons. Jetstorm slowly reached in then grabbed his nun-chucks before placing them on his back. He also took Slipstream's naginata and put it away. Cadet took Drift's blades then attached them to his belt.

Now they were ready to return to the fight.

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