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Galaxia followed Skybird's directions to the abandoned warehouse she had told her about. Usually, Galaxia would be able to find her way around because she had been to Luna 1 many times to capture her bounties and restock on energon, but after the invasion, she barely recognised the place. However, Skybird knew the landmass so she could easily tell the right way from the wrong way.

"Okay, just five miles south, then it'll be in sight," Skybird told her. She was riding inside of Galaxia instead of undeploying onto her so that she could speak.

She followed her instructions then transformed, Skybird landed in her arms with her servo on her helm. She looked dizzy from the transformation.

"A little warning next time," Skybird glared before jumping to the ground.

"Sorry," she deployed Wildstreak. "I'm not used to passengers."

Wildstreak stood up and looked around. Her house wasn't in sight, but she knew where she was.

"I remember this place now, I came here once to get the Cube after we lost it in practice. It creeped it me out," Wildstreak shuddered.

Galaxia began walking towards the entrance. "Come on, the quicker we get in and find the energon, the quicker we can get back to Cybertron for the trial." Hesitantly, Skybird and Wildstreak followed their deployer in.


They could tell they were in the right place, the interior was dark, gloomy and every step they took caused the floor to creak. It had been abandoned for several decades, not just a few days like most others.

"So, Skybird, where's the energon?" Galaxia asked her Mini-con.

The blue Mini-con looked around, she needed to think. The place was flooded with shadows which weakened her eyesight, but she managed to reply.

"I remember...a basement, that's where the energon was stored," she answered.

"Great, things are about to get darker," Wildstreak sighed.

Galaxia smirked. "Are you scared?"

Wildstreak quickly stood up straight and placed her servos on her hips. "Me, scared? No, of course not. Who could be scared of a dark, cold basement where anything could jump out at you..." She hugged herself.

Skybird chuckled. "Come on."

They approached the steps. It was pitch black, they had no idea where they were going.

Wildstreak forgot her bravery and ran behind Galaxia, she knelt down and placed a servo on her back.

"Do we have to?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," Galaxia replied before standing straight again then began walking down the stairs, followed by Wildstreak then Skybird.


Only a few days left until the trial, and it was all Drift could think about. Galaxia had promised to come as a witness but he wasn't certain that she would be able to convince the jury of his innocence. So he may as well get used to life in prison.

He stared at his energon cube, it had been given to him three hours ago and he still hadn't touched it. He wasn't hungry, he was just worried. And although his old mentor had told him never to be afraid, he was.

Very afraid.

He didn't know who was in the cells either side of his, but whoever was there was extremely quiet. But they were in prison. What did he expect?

The Cadet walked past with a new energon cube, he opened the cell and held it out. Hoping the Decepticon would accept it, but he didn't.

"Come on, you've only got a few days until the trial, you have to keep your strength up or else you'll have no chance of being released," he told Drift.

The samurai looked up at him, the Cadet had a soft smile on his faceplate as he entered the cell. Activating the lasers again. Drift was confused, the Chief treated him horribly, but the Cadet wanted to help him.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked the young bot.

"Why am I doing my job?" he asked in confusion.

"I'm pretty sure that entering a prisoner's cell and helping them isn't part of your job description," he replied.

"I wouldn't know, I'm only a Cadet, no one tells me anything," The Cadet told him. "I was always supposed to work for the force, my carrier and sire even named me Cadet. Bots don't call me Cadet because it's my rank, they call me that because it's my name."

Drift smiled at Cadet and finally accepted the cube of energon, taking a small sip before continuing the conversation.

"How are my Mini-cons?" he asked.

"Jetstorm and Slipstream? Well, we searched them and confiscated their weapons. Other than being a bit nervous, they're okay," Cadet told him while standing up. "I have to get back, the Chief wants my help with another prisoner."

Drift thought for a moment before speaking. "Another prisoner?"

Cadet deactivated the bars then stepped through. "Yeah, his name is Shadow Raker," replied as he activated the bars again.

Drift stood up alarmingly then ran over to the bars. "Listen, Shadow Raker is incredibly intelligent, and he will do whatever it takes to escape. So please, promise me you will do whatever it takes to keep him in jail."

Cadet nodded. "I promise."

He walked away, leaving Drift alone which caused him to think. If they needed more help, then Shadow Raker must already be trying to escape. And seeing as they were both arrested at the same time, their trials would be one after the other. And if Shadow Raker was planning something, then that would mean that Galaxia, Skybird and Wildstreak were in serious danger.

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