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Galaxia and her Mini-cons had just left Luna 1, and they had less than forty-eight hours to get to Cybertron and find Drift before the trial.

Their plan is the same, they act as Drift's witnesses and convince the jury the he, Jetstorm and Slipstream are innocent. If a well known Bounty Hunter believes in him, then maybe the others will too.

Galaxia was just on the bridge, she didn't need to drive, but she still watched. She watched as their Starship flew passed the stars, they were the only light source in space.

Cybertron wasn't in view, neither was Luna 1, they were somewhere in the middle. It was a sign that they were on the right track and that Cybertron was only a few hours away. Hopefully, the trial would wait for them.

At that moment, Skybird walked in with an energon cube. She stumbled as she got closer to her deployer. Galaxia giggled when she saw her Mini-con trying to lift it.

She placed it down in front of her and panted before speaking. "Hi Galaxia, I thought I'd bring you an energon cube."

The Autobot knelt down and picked up the cube, Skybird felt relieved knowing she wouldn't have to carry it anymore.

"Why didn't you bring one of the ones from Luna 1? They're Mini-con size and we have a lot of them."

"I decided to bring one that was better suited for an Autobot. Besides they aren't too heavy."

Galaxia rolled her optics before lowering herself to the Mini-con's height. Her expression was serious. "You never told us what happened in the basement. How did you get that much energon?"

Skybird had the conversation playing over and over again in her processor, and the outcome was always the same. But she couldn't lie to her deployer, or her best friend.

"The truth is that there was...a Mini-con in the basement. She gave me the energon," Skybird stated.

Galaxia was slightly mad. "There was a Mini-con in the basement and you didn't tell us? We could have helped her!"

Skybird took a deep breath. "She didn't want to be helped."

"You know, you could come with us, we could use a spy like you."

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'd rather stay here."

Galaxia sighed. "So who was she?"

"Her name was Eclipse, she lives on Luna 1 and was lucky to be one of the few Mini-cons who weren't captured by the Decepticons. The others being me, Wildstreak, Slipstream and Jetstorm, but I guess those two don't count because they've never lived on Luna 1."

"No Skybird, they were captured, just not at the same time as everybot else."

Skybird's optics widened. "What do you mean?"

"When they were sparklings, they lived on Luna 1 and had normal lives with their parents. But one day, a Decepticon landed on their street and kidnapped them then sold them off to Shadow Raker." Skybird whimpered as she heard her deployer. "They never saw their families again."

"That's so sad," Skybird stated. "So where are their parents?"

Galaxia looked up at the window. "I'm not sure, but after their capture I was called in to help the police track the Con who stole them. I spoke with their parents briefly but no one made contact with them after that. The cops believe that they either left Luna 1 or suffered the same fate as their kids." She paused. "Buzzsaw Mini-cons were pretty hot on the black market at the time."

"Slipstream and Jetstorm cover it up so well, I'm sure they just want to see their families," Skybird told her.

"To be honest, I think finding their families became the least of their problems after everything that has happened to them. But no matter what, Drift will always be there to protect them."

Skybird smiled at her deployer, she had no idea that their parents were missing. The Mini-con just assumed that they were on Luna 1 the whole time, and then captured by the Decepticons during the invasion. Now she really wanted to get Slipstream back...and Jetstorm too.

Galaxia cleared her throat. "So what else about this... Eclipse?"

Skybird blinked a few times as she was brought back into reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah, she was involved in the invasion, but she escaped the Decepticons. Unfortunately, it left her blind. But she's really good at sneaking around and at first I couldn't tell she was blind."

"She would be a useful ally," Galaxia stated.

"Eclipse said that if we ever needed an ally, I'd know where to find her."

"Do you know where?" Galaxia asked her Mini-con.

"In the shadows, that's all she told me."

"Then we'll have to keep an optic out for her."

At that moment, Wildstreak walked in. The purple Mini-con was holding a dagger in her right servo. Skybird stepped back slightly when she saw it. Wildstreak laughed when she saw her reaction to the weapon.

"Don't worry Birdie, I'm not going to hurt you," she said as she laughed.

Galaxia stood up and confronted her Mini-con. "Wildstreak, what are you doing with that dagger?!"

She began playing around with it. "Found it in the supply room." She paused then took a deep breath. "I just thought that... you, Drift, Jetstorm and Slipstream have weapons, so... why can't we?"

"She does have a point," Skybird added. "But I'm not a fan of fighting so Wildstreak can keep her weapon while I keep my life."

Galaxia thought for a moment as she looked down at Skybird. She could tell that the Mini-con wanted to fight, but she was too afraid to do it. The Autobot had to think of a weapon that would be perfect for her.

She had an idea. "Skybird, what if I told you that there was a weapon you could use without needing to be involved in the battle. Would you use it?"

"Depends on the weapon, but if it can help me save the others, then I guess I'll play your game."

"Why don't you try using the bow and arrow. You could shoot from far away and still do some damage." Skybird was intrigued. "You are really smart, and you're performing calculations all the time. So why not use it to battle?"

Skybird gulped. "You really think I can fight?"

Galaxia smiled at her Mini-con. "I know you can. All you need is some practice and then your aim will be extremely acurate."

Wildstreak stepped forward. "Will you train us?"

The Bounty Hunter stared out of the window again, then checked the GPS.

"Well... we still have a few hours until we arrive on Cybertron, and the Starship is set to auto-pilot. So I guess I could."

Wildstreak cheered as Skybird grinned. They had no idea what they were going to face on Cybertron, so she needed to teach her Mini-cons to fight. She taught Jetstorm and Slipstream the basics, so now she must extend that training to her own Mini-cons.

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