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"That won't work!"

Skybird had just pushed aside their fifteenth plan, and Wildstreak was starting to get annoyed. They did have some good ideas, but none of them were bound to work. Most of the ideas belonged to Wildstreak and involved breaking Drift out, but Skybird was afraid of getting arrested with them.

"Come on Birdie, you have to like at least one of these plans," Wildstreak told her partner as she read the words on that paper, while the blue Mini-con scrunched up another.

"Look, our friends are in jail and are probably going to be announced guilty for the things they've done, and I'm not going sit idly by while that happens." She picked up another piece of paper and grabbed a pen, however she hesitated when she brought the two together. "I Don't know what to do!"

Skybird forcefully dropped both the pen and paper onto the floor. She was on the verge of tears. She missed Drift and Jetstorm, and she missed Slipstream. Although she couldn't see while she was undeployed onto Galaxia, she could hear everything that was going on. And it was painful. If the three of them get placed on the Alchemor then they will be powerless to do anything, and Drift, Slipstream and Jetstorm will be lost forever.

Wildstreak looked at her friend, she was feeling the same way as her, but had a harder time showing it. She crawled over to Skybird and lifted her helm.

"Listen, I know you miss them, and so do I, but sitting here sulking isn't going to bring them back. Galaxia entrusted us with the job of creating a plan, so that's what we have to do." She chuckled. "And we both know I'm terrible at that."

Skybird looked up and giggled, then she looked over at their older plans.

'Break Drift and the Mini-cons out while the cops are swapping shifts.'

'Intersect the journey to the trial and free Drift and the Mini-cons.'

'Send a message to the station convincing them to let Drift and the Mini-cons go.'

She picked up the papers and stared at the second two plans. Intersecting the trial wouldn't work because they would be highly guarded. Furthermore, a message from them wouldn't convince the cops. But both had good aspects.

"What if we combine these two plans?" Skybird asked.

Wildstreak leaned over and saw the plans she was talking about. Her expression after showed that she was unconvinced.

"Birdie, I came up with the second one just to fill the space, it's not a plan, it's just a stupid idea. It will never work."

The Mini-con rolled her eyes. "No, we can't send a message declaring Drift's innocence, but we can go to the trial ourselves." Wildstreak gave her a confused look. "They'll need somebot to speak as a witness, and because we are the last known bots with them, we can be those witnesses."

Wildstreak smiled with excitement as she finally understood. "And with Galaxia's status, they'll have to let us in!"

The two high-fived before Skybird began writing down their plan. She had studied court before and knew exactly how they could prove Drift was innocent. And if they succeed, Drift could also get the chance to become an Autobot, so that would solve all of their problems.


Drift lowered his helm as he tried to come up with an answer, but he was interrupted by a conversation from the room next door. It was loud enough for him to work out the identity, it was Shadow Raker.

He could hear everything he was saying:

"This is ridiculous! I had nothing to do with the dark energon!"

"Please, calm down sir, while what your saying makes sense, I have witnesses that saw you plant the dark energon, and I understand that you also used it on an Autobot, two Decepticons, and four Mini-cons."

"Do you mean Deadlock, Jetstorm and Slipstream?"

"I believe that's a few of their names, yes."

"That wretched Decepticon kidnapped my Mini-cons and stole my Starship. And have beaten up all of the bounty hunters I hired!"

"Calm down sir! Please just answer the questions."

Drift gulped when he heard his mentor speak his name. Convincing the police to let him go would be tough with Shadow Raker around. However, having him in jail is better than letting him roam outside, but the Con had performed a jailbreak before. It was only a matter of time before he strikes again.

"Drift, I need an answer," the bot reminded him. "How can you explain the heist and the stolen Starship?"

Drift hesitated again before speaking. He wanted to tell a lie, but he couldn't think of one, and even if he could, someone could easily catch him out. So he decided to go for his safest option.

The truth.

"I took Jetstorm and Slipstream because they were being tortured by Shadow Raker. The heist was just a cover up for our escape. And I used the Starship to flee."

"Is that all?"

Drift hesitated again. "Yes."

The Autobot stood up. "Well, I think we're done here," he said with a serious voice before opening the door and stepping through, slamming the door behind him. Leaving Drift in the dark.

The samarai wondered of he had done the right thing in telling the truth, while he can't be caught out, he does have a higher chance of being sent to the Alchemor.

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