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The bullet hit the outside of Deadlock's quarters with a huge bang. Shadow Raker gasped and practically dragged his pupil outside to observe the damage. Only a part of the building was demolished but the whole base was on fire. He reached for his comm and called the closest Decepticon Rescue Team to come and put the fire out.

"Any damage, Deadlock?" Shadow Raker asked alarmingly.

"No, but what about...?"

Shadow Raker interrupted him by pointing out the arriving Rescue Team. Deadlock glared at his mentor as he was completely ignoring the mini-cons who were still inside. Not to mention the fact that they were in his room when the bullet hit.

A red Decepticon ran up to them, he was holding a case that appeared to be full of medical tools. The other members of the team began spraying the base with water. The Decepticon looked into their optics with an assertive faceplate.

"Is everybot outside?" he asked.

Deadlock was about to answer no but Shadow Raker placed his servo on his pupil's chest and cut in.

"Yes," he replied.

Deadlock was furious. Jetstorm and Slipstream were going to die in there, but Shadow Raker was okay with it.

How could he do such a thing?

Without thinking, Deadlock pushed past the medic and ran for the entrance. Two of the bots jumped infront of him but he forced his way through. Nothing was going to stop him. Not even the law.

Deadlock ran through the door, his optics were clouded with smoke. Suddenly, he felt a transmission coming from his comm. He didn't want to answer it in case it was Shadow Raker or any of the other Decepticons, but he had to in case it was the mini-cons trying to call for help. He tapped the side of his helm and answered the call.

"Deadlock, what are you doing?!"

It was Shadow Raker.


Deadlock had to reply, or else the rescue bots would follow him into the building if they weren't already doing so. He couldn't lie to his mentor, so he told the truth.

"I am saving the mini-cons because you would not."

"I can easily buy more, leave the base immidiently or else you will be punished for insubordination!"

Deadlock jumped to the side to avoid a falling section of the ceiling. He was really worried. If this section of the base was collapsing, then what was his room like? He began coughing so he covered his mouth and ended the transmission. He didn't care about getting punished. Rescuing Jetstorm and Slipstream was definitely worth it.


He ran into his room but couldn't see a thing. He felt a small vibration in the side of his helm, someone else was calling. He answered it again in case it was the mini-cons.

"Deadlock, this is the Rescue Chief. Provide me with your coordinates so that we can find you in the smoke immidiently. We can't put the fire out until you are safely out."

"You do not understand, there are two mini-cons absent from your position. I will send through my coordinates but only of you assist me in finding them or stand aside!" Deadlock yelled into the comm.

"Understood, Deadlock. I'm sending my team in, provide your coordinates and the last known coordinates of the mini-cons and we will locate all three of you."

Deadlock had no choice. He sent through his coordinates but refused to wait. The longer they were in this blaze, the shorter their time was growing. He couldn't hear them even though he knew they were nearby.

"Slipstream! Jetstorm!" he called out several times.

Suddenly, he heard someone. A small voiced buried in the fire followed by lots of coughing. Calling his name. His spark filled with joy. He closed his optics and followed the sound, hoping it was the mini-cons.

Luckily, it was.

Deadlock knelt down by Jetstorm and Slipstream who were lying on the floor, coughing non-stop. They had a few dents from the explosion but that wasn't the main problem...

Deadlock looked above him and saw that the ceiling was going to collasp like it did a few minutes ago. He couldn't carry both of them through the fire. He had to wait for the Rescue Team.

Jetstorm and Slipstream stopped coughing but began to feel faint. Deadlock had to keep them awake, so he decided to talk to them. "The Rescue Team is looking for us, they will be here soon." The mini-cons smiled lightly. "Also, I have found the perfect opportunity for us to escape. If you would like to."

"Yes, Deadlock. We want to leave," Slipstream managed to reply. Deadlock showed them a huge smile. He didn't mean it, but it did make the mini-cons feel better. His plan to escape was delayed due to the fire, but  Shadow Raker will need to go on a heist so he can steal the shanix he needs to rebuild the base. Giving them the perfect chance to escape.

Deadlock looked at his clock that was clinging onto the wall. 10:47am. He had only been with them for two minutes, but it felt like hours. Deadlock gave up on talking and just shook the mini-cons every time they closed their optics. It didn't feel pleasant, but it kept them awake.

Suddenly, the Rescue Team ran in. They jumped onto the floor and slid over to the mini-cons. He had a scanner in his arms and lenses over his optics. He lifted his arm and began to make shapes with his digits, a femme member of the team nodded then held the ceiling in place. Deadlock guessed that the team knew standard Cybertronian sign language so they could communicate in loud situations like this.

The bot pointed at Deadlock then pointed at Slipstream. He didn't need to guess what he was asking. He wanted him to carry Slipstream. Deadlock picked up the red mini-con, he coughed in his arms. The leading bot picked up Jetstorm and used the sign language to instruct his teammates to clear a path for them. Deadlock could tell because they were clearing away the pile of metal that covered the entrance. Then they ran outside at full speed.

Deadlock felt fresh air hit his faceplate as they ran out. It felt good after all the time he spent in the smoke. The medic was waiting with two stretchers, ready to treat the mini-cons. Deadlock and the other bot laid down Jetstorm and Slipstream on them, the medic reached into his case and pulled out two oxygen masks.

Deadlock was confused. Decepticons didn't need oxygen, why was the medic giving them the oxygen masks?

"Excuse me, why are you giving them oxygen masks? Decepticons do not require oxygen," he asked.

"No, but when bots have enhaled something they shouldn't have, like smoke, we give them the oxygen masks to help clean their systems and remove the pain from their voice modulators," the medic replied as finished putting the mask on Jetstorm.

Deadlock observed the mini-cons, they both looked peaceful as they lied on the stretchers. Shadow Raker was just standing on the side lines. His pupil could tell that he wasn't happy. Maybe he was considering not letting him come on the heist, but for once, Deadlock wanted to go.

He needed to go.

He needed to escape.

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