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They couldn't stop coughing as the vapors entered their protoforms. Wildstreak continuously tried to force the door open but no matter how hard she tried, it was never enough.

Suddenly, she began to feel dizzy, causing her to fall back and was luckily caught by Jetstorm.

"Please, Wildstreak, take it easy. Remember that dark energon vapors usually effect Mini-cons first. So the more you breathe in, the more you'll feel the symptoms," Jetstorm explained.

Carefully, Wildstreak straightened herself but kept a servo to her helm. "So what's the plan?"

The bots all remained silent, hesitant to say anything, partly because of the vapors, and partly because they were scared. But Skybird managed to answer a few minutes later.

"Wildstreak, we are trapped in an air-tight room with no exits, we can't escape."

Wildstreak rolled her optics. "Yes we can! Somehow... But first we need to stop these vapors from getting any worse," she was forced to stop and cough, "We need to close that chest!"

Slipstream covered his mouth then nodded to Jetstorm. "We're on it."

The two Mini-cons edged their way towards the chest with their other servos out, hoping to find it even with the mist blinding their optics like a smoke bomb. Without warning, Slipstream began to slip from the dizziness and was forced to sit down, yet Jetstorm continued.

"Go, *cough* Jetstorm!" he exclaimed.

Jetstorm kept struggling through the vapor before he reached the chest. He grabbed the lid and began to pull it towards him, but it wouldn't budge. He placed his servo on his helm, he was beggining to feel dizzy.

"I need help!" he called.

Instantly, Wildstreak ran through the misty vapors and grabbed the lid of the chest. They both began to pull. Slowly but surely, the lid began to close, however being so close to the source of the vapors made Jetstorm extremely dizzy. He was forced to let go and steady himself out, coughing as he did.

Wildstreak saw this and had to let go as well to help him, causing the chest to reset back to it's open position. She placed her servos on his shoulder plating and kneeled down next to him. She reached for her comm.

"This is Wildstreak, Jetstorm is down and I need some help closing this chest, there's something holding it open."

At that moment, Galaxia, Drift, Skybird and Slipstream came running through the vapors with Rage. Galaxia and Skybird grabbed the lid of the chest and began to close it while Drift and Slipstream tended to Jetstorm.

"We need to get you out of here," Drift told his Mini-con.

Galaxia, Skybird and Wildstreak successfully managed to close the chest which caused the vapors to slowly dissapear.

Galaxia grabbed her blade with her servo then reached for Rage, who was also feeling a bit dizzy.

"There is no way I'm making this deal now." She looked towards the screen. "No deal! Either release us or show yourself!"

Suddenly, a door opened on the far side of the room, but it didn't lead out.
The screen lit up. "If you wish to meet me, walk through the hall, I will be waiting in a room at the end."

"Should we trust him?" Skybird asked.

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice," Drift replied as he scanned the room with his optics. "The dark energon vapor will take a while to dissapear, and my Mini-cons won't last long, however there are no traces of dark energon along the hall, so we would be safer."

"Okay, but weapons at hand, this bot enjoys playing with this deadly stuff," Galaxia told the team.

Drift grabbed his blades, Jetstorm and Slipstream also held out their weapons, Skybird and Wildstreak could only keep their guard up.


The hallway was dark, dirty and damp, but it was rid of dark energon, so they were all able to breathe. The shadows clouded the end of the hallway which kept it's end fully hidden. The bots kept having to adjust their optics to suit the increasing darkness.

Galaxia continued to drag Rage as the Con struggled in the cuffs. He knew something was about to happen and had to get away from it, but the Bounty Hunter wouldn't let him.

No one dared to say a word, they were too focused on who Galaxia's mysterious client was, and why Rage was so afraid of him. All they new was that it was most likely a mech due to the voice. The figure also had been researching Galaxia because he knew a lot more than what was in her description.

Wildstreak decided to break the silence. "So... what exactly are we gonna do once we find this bot?"

"We get some answers," Galaxia quickly responded.

They continued down the hallway before it slowly turned from darkness to light. The shadows cleared a path for the team as the end slowly came into view.

The room certainly did fit the mood, the lights were dim and the walls were painted black to match Jetstorm's chassis. Their optics could make out a Cybertronian sitting directly opposite the entrance. He didn't appear any clearer than in the video calls.

They entered the room as the figure began to reveal it's true identity. The paint was purple and black, and the bot itself was slim. Drift, Jetstorm and Slipstream knew exactly who the mysterious client was.

"Greetings, my pupil," he spoke to Drift as he narrowed his optics.

Skybird and Wildstreak also knew who he was, and all they could do was gasp as they stared at each other with worried faceplates.

Who do you think it could be?

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